Urgent statement from Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, on his immediate future

Urgent statement from Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, on his immediate future
Urgent statement from Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, on his immediate future

Henry, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, has issued a surprise statement: cedes part of his duties to his son, Guillermo. A determination that changes the course of the country and that It will become effective next October. It was during one of his speeches during Luxembourg’s National Day at the country’s Philharmonic when he made his decision known, which he subsequently also shared on the duchy’s official profile.

“Grand Duke Henry announced today that he will pass the estate to Hereditary Grand Duke William in October 2024. Speculations had been circulatingbut it is now official, Grand Duke Henry is stepping away from his duties,” it can be read. In this way, William “will assume the governance of the country alongside his wife, the Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie. With all my love and trust I wish you good luck“, you can read.

Right after, he wanted to express, subtly, that this turn has been taken thinking about the country’s progression, but making a key point clear. “We must look to the future with optimism, knowing that together we can achieve great things. Grand Duke Henry will retain his official title, since this is not an abdication. The place of this will be represented by his son, the Hereditary Grand Duke William. The Grand Duke may delegate his powers temporarily or permanently to a lieutenant-representative. Before exercising his powers, this lieutenant-representative will take an oath to defend the Constitution,” they explained.

Enrique, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, confirms rumors about his retirement

After uttering these words, Enrique lovingly hugged his firstborn for several minutes, something that caused applause from the citizens gathered there. Although, as they point out, it was an option that had already begun to be heard, it was not until now that the Grand Duke of Luxembourg wanted to make it official. A movement that is in line with what he expressed in an interview on the RTL program Place Royale, which he attended on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

“I think it’s very important to give young people a chance. Transmission and trust are two essential elements in my relationship with my son. At some point I plan to retire. “That is evident,” he noted last April regarding his intentions to abdicate. He also made reference to how this step would allow him to spend more time with his wife, the Grand Duchess María Teresa, her children and grandchildren.

Furthermore, it should be noted that Enrique has made the same decision that his father made before him. In 1998, Juan, the previous duke, made his first-born lieutenant-representative. Two years later, Henry ascended the throne. In this way, it would not be surprising if history repeated itself and, in a few years, Enrique abdicated definitively in favor of his son.

Prince William, new lieutenant-representative of Luxembourg: this is his personal life

Although it was now that his father took the step of handing over part of his duties to him, the prince Guillermo is not at all unknown to the people from Luxembourg. And the fact is that, in addition to his institutional facet, the son of Enrique and María Teresa has been the protagonist of some of the good news that has come to the Royal House of Luxembourg.


For example, in March of last year, they announced the birth of their second son, Prince François, from his marriage to Stéphanie. Although at the time not They wanted to show a photo of the little one, customized As time has passed we have been able to see the face of the youngest royal of the Luxembourg family. Some of those pictures have been with his older brother, Charles, who he has been with for three years. An example is when, on the occasion of National Tree Day, they carried out an environmental initiative with the aim of reforesting the forests.

The arrival of François fulfilled Stépehanie’s dream of being a mother of two children. This wish is one of the few details we know about the Luxembourg princess, who She has become one of the most discreet royals. In fact, if we look at the profile of the Royal House of Luxembourg we can see that the princess only appears at crucial moments.

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