Ghost of Omar Geles? The truth about the viral video

Ghost of Omar Geles? The truth about the viral video
Ghost of Omar Geles? The truth about the viral video

Despite the millions of comments about the alleged ghost, it was learned that the video is real, however, It was recorded before the singer died because Maren García, the composer’s wife, is also seen in the recording.

Beyond his musical career, Omar Geles has also had a significant impact on his community. He is known for his humility and his willingness to support new talent. His legacy is not only measured in terms of his professional achievements, but also in the positive influence it has had on future generations of musicians.

Read also: Wilfran Castillo’s heartfelt words to console Omar Geles’ mother

Recognition for his work has come in the form of numerous awards and honors. However, beyond the awards, the true testimony of his success lies in the affection and admiration of the public. His concerts, always filled with energy and emotion, are a reflection of the deep bond that has established with his fans over the years.

In addition to his musical prowess, Omar Geles was a prolific composer. His lyrics, often filled with sentiment and personal narratives, touched the hearts of many. His ability to tell stories through music has been recognized by both his fans and his peers in the industry.

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