“He knows what he did”: Diego Urrutia’s ex-girlfriend broke the silence after criticism and revealed more episodes

“He knows what he did”: Diego Urrutia’s ex-girlfriend broke the silence after criticism and revealed more episodes
“He knows what he did”: Diego Urrutia’s ex-girlfriend broke the silence after criticism and revealed more episodes

The young woman spoke out against the criticism through her Instagram stories, where she provided more details about the love bond she had with Diego Urrutia. “I’m learning a lot of things now,” she said.

The Diego Urrutia’s ex girlfriend He broke the silence after his boisterous confession, in which he revealed passages from her relationship with the Chilean comedianin addition to recently receiving a wave of criticism on social networks.

The young dancer used her stories of instagram to comment on the matter: I come to resolve doubts and complaints (…) I am learning many things now, things that I didn’t know during the relationship with Diego and I’m simply shocked”, he began by specifying.

“For a start, I only spoke now because they invited me to the podcast, It was literally the day before yesterday and I received the invitation and I said ‘wow, I have no problem going’, because no one had invited me before, since no one knew who I was,” he added.

“He told me I was going to get in the way.”

In relation to the details of her love life with the successful comedian in Viña 2024, Sofía thanked Diego’s other ex for telling her version of a alleged parallel relationship when they were together.

“From everything I am finding out now, it is sad for him because in the end he did not want to lose any bread, no piece. But hey, everything is known, I even thank Anaís who came out to talk about the relationship What did he have with Diego when he was with me?when we were living together,” he explained.

“And of course, he never wanted to invite me on the trip to Los Angeles because even though I insisted, because I had the opportunity to accompany him, he didn’t want to, like on many trips. He told me that I would get in the way of travel.”, he added.

“His way of solving things was by shouting.”

Along these lines, the young woman indicated: “Also emphasize that supposed agreement that we had reached not to expose myself. I never agreed with that and I never signed. Yes we talked about it (…) because I started the conversation. But every time addressed that topic, it was a lot of shouting. I swear that something I never liked about him, that His way of solving things was by shouting.”.

Despite all the controversy and the complex love relationship, Sofia specified that does not hold a grudge against the comedianensuring that: If I were to run into him on the street (…) because I often pass by where he lives, because my boyfriend studies there and lives there. I always think that I might run into him and the truth is It’s just that at this point I don’t care”.

Finally, Sofía detailed the reasons for not speaking about the topic beforehand and her opinion regarding the comments she has received through her social networks.

I think I already resolved queries and complaints. That’s why I hadn’t spoken before, because simply, as you know, I’m not known, I’m a super cool girl. YesIf they had invited me sooner, I would have spoken sooner And I know that we are all free to have an opinion, just give your opinion. I’ll stick with the good comments (…) I know what I did and I know very well that he knows what he did”, he concluded.

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