Verónica Pecollo: her love story with Bicho Gómez, her daughter Renata and all her projects

Verónica Pecollo: her love story with Bicho Gómez, her daughter Renata and all her projects
Verónica Pecollo: her love story with Bicho Gómez, her daughter Renata and all her projects

June 27, 202406:00


For many years, Veronica Pecollo She was a dancer and participated in several musical comedies. When she understood that that stage had ended, she immersed herself fully in the world of choreography. She was a coach of Dancing for a Dream and in 2014 he worked with Bug Gomez. Her love story became media and Marcelo Tinelli He teased them with chicanery that made them uncomfortable but raised the program’s ratings.

They continued against all odds and today they are parents of Renata, 4 years old. Verónica grew up in her life and today works on four projects as a choreographic director. She is in Mamma mia, at the Coliseo theater, starring Florencia Peña and featuring music by ABBA; in Minoanevery Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. at the Picadilly Theater (a musical and parody version of the myth of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth, with direction and book by Pablo Gorlero); the 4th of july premieres When Frank met Carlitosat the Alvear Theater and inspired by an anecdote about a possible meeting between Sinatra and Gardel on one of the radio stations in New York and, finally, it is rehearsing Alice (by heart)a Broadway musical that opens in September at the La Plaza Complex.

“Minoica talks about Greek myths and the story took me back to my adolescence, because I was very passionate about mythology,” says Verónica Pecollo about the work that will be released soon.CAMILA GODOY/ AFV

“The projects came together almost accidentally. we premiere Mamma mia in Carlos Paz’s season, but since it went very well we went on a tour and we will be in Buenos Aires until September. When Frank met Carlitos It is a project that has been going on for three years, first it was done in digital format for Disney + and now it comes to the theater. AND Minoan It is a mega experience. I’ve already worked a lot with Gorlero and I like that he doesn’t make works just because, but because he’s asked. And this is a new story in which he says: ‘This is me, this is what I see right now, in this country.’ He doesn’t shy away from anything and I love it because he opens a window to his real world. The text has a lot of humor and attracts me. In fact, I’m in a relationship with a clown. Humor seduces me, it accompanies me, it is a driving force. I enjoy a lot Minoan and I had the challenge of linking choreography to humor. How do you put the joke into the body? And I clarify that it is about Greek myths but very current. It is very interesting. I try to share a lot of space with the directors because I like that work. tete a tete“, enthuses Verónica Pecollo in one of the free moments that her many activities allow her. “I was a dancer for many years and I followed a path, I landed in the musical and I stayed there for ten years at a time in the country in which there were many musicals and now they are back.”

-With so many projects, how do you imagine the choreographies? Is there any source of inspiration?

-I am passionate about theater books, I am not a director because I don’t dare and I haven’t studied, but when I start reading my head goes a mile an hour and I imagine everything I can do. The same thing happens to me when I listen to the music of a work. It has to do with the connection with each material and with the perspective of each director, which is a journey. For example, Minoan It talks about Greek myths and the story took me back to my adolescence, because I was very passionate about mythology. Somehow I got into the world of the director, Pablo Gorlero, who also writes the book and is super authentic and has a very personal view. I feel like it’s trips and that I’m going on vacation, because it’s actually been a long time since I’ve taken a break (laughs). It’s like going to different worlds and I share different looks and languages. I always really liked dancing and had a wonderful time, but since I dedicated myself to choreography I feel that it is my true place.

Verónica Pecollo stopped dancing in 2009 and immediately began working as a choreographerCAMILA GODOY/ AFV

-Do you go to all the performances of each work?

-No. Since my daughter Renata, who is 4 years old, was born, I have been working with an assistant. Before she was reluctant, but I learned to delegate and it is something interesting because I go once a week and I notice the differences in the works. When you go every day that is more complicated. I was able to step back from the project, look at it objectively, see what got dirty, take notes and adjust.

-How long has it been since you got on stage to dance?

-Very much. The last thing I did was Caravanin 2009.

-Why did you get off?

-It was happening. I had started doing children’s choreography by María Elena Walsh with Anita Martínez and I had gotten excited. And on the other hand, I entered as coach choreography in ShowMatch and it was a very hard training, because I had to do one choreography a week. At the same time, she was already a different age and nothing was very simple (laughs). I worked every year and one day I didn’t make an audition and it was a wake-up call. Projects as a choreographer began to come out, I hurt him a little, and that’s it.

With his partner, Bicho Gómez and his daughter RenataGerardo Viercovich

-It was a duel then…

-Yes of course. I thought he was capable of being big. I braked, recalculated and continued. But something was already brewing that I really liked as well. I don’t remember it as something traumatic although I was doing therapy at the time and it was an issue we worked on. Because your schedules also change. My body started to hurt a little too. As a dancer you train many hours daily and maybe now I take a class, do yoga, give seminars and I move a lot there. But I have aches, pains, my hip is pulling. I have three hernias in my spine. Life happens, the body is wise and it is good to find new creative spaces. I don’t miss dancing, I enjoy watching others dance on stage and maybe at night I’m home with a little wine and the boys are warming up to start a show. Mamma mia (laughs).

-Dancers start at a very young age, what was it like in your case?

-I fell by chance, at age 11, into a neighborhood club, in Ciudadela, where I grew up. And I added activities because I liked them all: tap, jazz, classical. I never doubted it, I remember thinking: “I’m going to dance.” I trained and started working after knocking on many doors. And I didn’t stop. I feel like a fairly versatile choreographer because as a dancer I occupied several spaces, I did contemporary dance, tango, I was in many theater dance companies, aerial dance. I tried many things, I traveled a lot and that is why today I can cover several projects with very different characteristics.

-How did you get into ShowMatch?

-I was coach in one of the first Dancing for a Dream and I worked for many years. Lolo Rossi and Hugo Ávila were the choreographic team and they called me to assist them. I worked on several programs of the production company, such as Singing for a dream, Saturday show, Dreaming for singing. And in 2014 I felt bored, I asked coach I chose Anita (Martínez) because we had worked together. And she danced with Bicho Gómez. I thought it was a fun couple and I also liked working with actors.

-And you fell in love. How did your love story with Bicho Gómez come about?

-Yes (laughs). We fell in love with the Bug and we have been together for ten years. We shared many hours, because when you do the Dancing You see your work group much more than your family. We talked a lot and since El Bicho is also a director, he called me to make proposals about each week’s production. And Anita also contributed a lot. The three of us work very well. I admired him and was seduced by his humor. We had a lot of fun. El Bicho is a very interesting person, very artistic, passionate and we had many common points. He was separated, so was I… and it happened (laughs). It was a hurricane, because I was not used to the media and it was not easy to carry it forward. At first it was very stormy and then it calmed down and we started this life we ​​lead together with Renata, who was born in 2019.

“The program had a lot of ratings and Marcelo (Tinelli) was amused by our couple,” recalls Verónica PecolloCAMILA GODOY/ AFV

-Marcelo Tinelli chicaneaba. How did you live it?

-I had been making my way as a dancer, very low profile and that exposure drags you down without you being able to do anything. When I got used to it, I had fun, but at first it was mobilizing. And, furthermore, later she lowered the foam. The program had a lot of ratings and Marcelo was amused by our couple. We hadn’t told it yet and I think Soledad Silveyra, who was a member of the jury, asked a question because a rumor had reached her and then Marcelo said: “This is mine” (laughs). Luckily the Bug solved everything with humor. It was funny, because Marcelo asked him and the Bug avoided the answers.

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