What happened to the television host? – UnoTV

Galilea hopes it is nothing serious. Photo: Instagram/@galileamontijo.

The host and actress Galilea Montijo She is worried about her health. Through social networks she shared a video where she showed how They went to his house to take an x-ray.

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What happened to Galilea Montijo?

In her Instagram stories, the host of the program Today He said that due to his health condition, the doctor was at his home with him. laptop.

It is when he revealed that He had a fall and hoped he wouldn’t have a fracture..

“Because I tell you, I fell today; I hope I don’t have a fracture.”

Galilea Montijo

In the video images, it can be seen that in the knee of left leg has a scrape, while they examine the ankle area.

Fans express concern over changes in her face

This situation is compounded by the fact that this same month of June, Galilea Montijo’s fans They expressed concern about their appearance driver’s facial.

In a video shared on social networks, fans They collected a series of photographs where the presenter shows a different appearance than usual, with an apparently swollen face.

This change generated debate; some attribute the changes to the natural effects of aging, while others suggest it would be a result of a possible excess of botox.

At 51 years oldThe actress is also recognized for her physical attractiveness and her enviable figure, the result of her dedication to exercise at the gym.

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