China Suárez shared photos of her collaboration with L-Gante

China Suárez shared photos of her collaboration with L-Gante
China Suárez shared photos of her collaboration with L-Gante

“He who leaves without being kicked out…” wrote Eugenia “La China” Suárez on her Instagram account days ago and uploaded a series of photos that, now we can say with certainty, were taken within the framework of the recordings. of his next video clip, in which he collaborates with L-Gante and other singers.

“I want to have you all naked, but pride doesn’t help us either. If she’s hot, I like her to rise. We’re like barbed wire. The one who falls in love loses,” L-Gante posted hours ago on her Instagram account, posing with the same car, in the same garage and apparently also with the same glass that La China could be seen with in the snapshots from days ago.

“He cries like a repentant,” wrote La China in her last post on the feed (at the time of writing this article). The photo confirms the upcoming collaboration not only with L-Gante, but also with Gino Mella and Jairo Vera.

The collaboration between Eugenia and the leader of cumbia 420 comes before the rumored collaboration of L-Gante with Wanda Nara comes to fruition, which although she starred in one of the singer’s video clips, it was expected that now that she has also launched herself as a vocalist , surprise his fans with a feat, with whom it was rumored to have been his partner during the impasse that Wanda and Icardi had after the media scandal generated by the footballer’s infidelity with “La China” Suárez.

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