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Il Divo, frustrated by not being able to sing in Lima: ‘The stage could have fallen on top of us’ [VIDEO]

After speculation that there would be a second Il Divo concert this Sunday at the same La Videna venue, the quartet and its production team confirmed that The show was canceled due to the lack of security in the place for both the singers and the public.

Through their social networks, they sent a message to their followers explaining why they cannot sing their best songs in our country. “We are Il Divo and we are here where we had to act yesterday. Here they are working on the stage, it is very frustrating because that stage as it is does not support speakers or lights, let alone the screens,” the Swiss was heard saying. Urs Bühler.

Likewise, the member of Il Divo revealed that the concert promoter and those in charge of the venue had been notified of these details days ago and the stage is still not safe. “That can fall at any moment, it could have fallen on top of us if we were on the stage or on top of the audience and obviously no one can risk that, that’s why we can’t perform this time here in Lima, Peru,” he commented frustrated.

At the end of the video Urs Bühler apologized to the Peruvian public and hopes that they will continue to join the live concert that they are holding outside their hotel: “We are very sorry, it is a shame and it is very frustrating that, with all the work that our team has done since we have arrived, it will not be realized”.

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Members of Il Divo show the stage where they were going to sing and were frustrated by the lack of security for both them and the public. | Source: @ildivo

Il Divo is offering a free live concert today

After the cancellation of Il Divo concert On Saturday, June 1, the members are holding a small concert for all their fans who couldn’t see them live.

In a brief statement shared on their social networks, where they were seen rehearsing, the musicians revealed that they will offer a show at the Belmond Park Hotel, in Miraflores, where they are staying.

“We have not had any luck with the security of the stage. We are preparing something simple and special for our fans in Lima,” the message reads. Il Divo’s free concert started at 4:30 pm and they hope their fans can attend. The entrance is completely free.

Production company canceled Il Divo show permanently

After the followers of Il Divo They also reported that a representative of the production company, ArtSeven, informed them that the concert would take place this Sunday, June 2, at the same time (8:00 pm) in La Videna; The company issued a statement announcing the cancellation of the show “until further notice.”

“Unfortunately due to technical problems and to protect the safety of all of you, we want to inform you that we have had to cancel the show,” the document states.

On the other hand, they invited those who bought their tickets to Il Divoto request your refund starting Monday, June 3.

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