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Luitingo confesses what his true relationship is like with Jessica Bueno’s three children

Their love story arose in the ‘GH VIP’ house in the most unexpected way, but today Jessica Bueno (33 years old) and Luitingo (32 years old) form one of the most stable couples on the social landscape of our country. The model’s fears faded when the singer did not hesitate to leave her life in Seville to follow in her footsteps and move to the house that the Andalusian woman has in Bilbao. Since then they have lived in a pomp of happiness…

For Jessica, her top priority is her three children and Luitingo knows it. The young woman trusted her feelings towards the Andalusian so much that she did not take long to facilitate the meeting with the little ones. At 10, 8 and 3 years old, respectively, it is not always easy to start a relationship with other children, but judging by the publications they regularly make on social networks, Luis maintains a magnificent relationship with all of them, something that couldn’t make the model happier. Together they have enjoyed a recent trip to Disneyland Paris and it is common for the artist to accompany them in their extracurricular activities.

In case anyone had any doubts, Luitingo has confessed through his Instagram profile what his relationship with Fran, Jota and Alejandro is really like. “My dwarfs have become something essential in my daily life. They don’t leave me in the sun or in the shade, I love them to bursting,” he said proudly along with a very natural and fun image with two of them.

Luitingo has told what his day-to-day life is like in Bilbao, a new life in which children are the main protagonists. “We are together all day, we laugh, we play, we tell each other little secrets, and on top of that they are noble and good”, he confessed, unable to contain the joy that comes with having them so close. “I adore you. Thank you for appearing in my life, my pimps,” she concluded.

Instagram @luitingo

A move, a song and a lot of love: Jessica Bueno and Luitingo celebrate six months together

Jessica Bueno and Luitingo are more in love every day and do not hesitate to show off this great moment on social networks. The singer was moving to Bilbao, a proof of love like no other. After enjoying their first April Fair in Seville, the couple is eagerly awaiting the arrival of summer, and they are full of plans together. “I dream of this summer,” said the Sevillian.

About to celebrate their first six months of relationship, the couple is going through a very sweet and special moment. Luitingo made a love song for Jessica and she couldn’t feel more proud and special. “When you feel proud of someone you want the world to see what you see in that person, that is why their achievements make me so happy, I celebrate their recognitions as if they were mine (…) You deserve to shine and I hope you are lucky enough to live it up close, you fill me with life with your music so please keep fighting,” he said after the public presentation of the song.

Instagram @luitingo

Luitingo has not only expressed his love for the model in a song but also in countless messages that today cover his Instagram profile. “Your love, your trust, your enthusiasm, and all your things, makes me breathe and trust that everything is going to turn out great. I hope to experience millions of things with you throughout my life, because I love you with all the sincerity in the world. Thank you for everything, this was for you,” he said.

Luitingo confronts some thieves in the middle of the street

Luis was walking through the streets of Bilbao in the company of Jessica Bueno when he saw two people running in a hurry while an old man tried to chase them while asking for help. Without thinking twice, he followed the two men and managed to hold one of them in a doorway. “I didn’t think about it, I went straight for them”, remember. As he himself told ‘Socialité’, he managed to get everything stolen thanks to a “psychological game”. “You I was eating my head for a whiletelling him that if he didn’t feel sorry for robbing an elderly person who couldn’t defend himself, and in the end I convinced him,” he said.

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