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Adabel Guerrero told the drastic change she plans: “That’s my idea”

Written in SHOWS he 3/6/2024 · 08:24 am

“I want to explore myself, try different things and improve myself,” she said. Adabel Guerrerowho is on everyone’s lips for his great work in the series of Coppolawhere she plays a stunning Alejandra Pradón. The dancer, who shines from Thursday to Sunday at the Gorriti Art Center in sexthe transgressive work of José María Muscariis also about to premiere another series: that of Cris Mirowhere it has a key character.

Adabel Guerrero

As if this were not enough, she divides her time between motherhood Lola (6), your partner with Martin Lamelahis artist training school, and the acting classes he began taking with Fabian Vena as a teacher. “In 2020, I was going to take classes with him but everything was canceled due to the pandemic. “I had met Fabián during a summer season in Córdoba but the pandemic arrived and although he taught classes via Zoom, it was complicated for me because Lolita was two years old and it was impossible to take a theater class from my house via video call,” he said.

And he continued: “Time passed, the other day he went to see Sex with his wife, Paula Morales, and I wrote to him. I told him that I wanted to take classes with him but since he gave it on Wednesday nights, it was complicated. From Thursday to On Sundays I am at the theater and I couldn’t miss one more night at home because I have to be with my daughter. So I suggested putting together a group for the afternoon, which is when Lola is at school. She agreed, I put together a group and they joined. Andrea Ghidone, Celeste Muriega and Paula Morales with another friend. We go once a month, master type, with very long classes and a lot of information.”

Adabel Guerrero

-Do you want to change your career?

-It’s the idea. I want to go on the side of the actress as well and that’s why I’m getting back on my feet. Having filmed two such great series is crazy for me. I love and I love it; I hope this opens a path for me on this side. I really enjoy my profession and I want to have a brilliant career, so I want to study, do things well and train. I want to have tools and be able to grow in this.

-The dancer is your forte and with Coppola you were discovered from another place.

-I hope so. Now, at the end of June, Cris Miró’s biopic is also released and I have a strong character. Although she is also a star, she is a different character from Pradón. So, my idea is that she sees me in this facet of an actress, something that people don’t know about me.

Adabel Guerrero

-Are you playing a well-known star?

-It is inspired by a real person but it would not be exactly that person because the character is very exaggerated. Yes, he is inspired by a real person but we don’t say who he is. They don’t want it to be known, so I can’t do it.

-How did you put together the Pradón? Do you know her in person?

-I have met her in person at some event but I don’t have much record of that. When I had to compose the character, I studied her from step to step. Thank God, there is a lot of material on the internet, I studied it all and I also called her by phone to talk to her and ask her questions. She treated me very lovingly, she told me things that helped me compose the character and I am happy with the result. I wanted to make Alejandra like a star with content, that perhaps people may see as superficial but she is actually super intelligent.

Adabel Guerrero

-How did they approach you with the proposal?

-A production company called me to do a casting. Now, in general, all series producers have their own castinera, who are in charge of getting the characters. Actually, I auditioned to play Yuyito González but when the director saw me, he said: “No, it’s Pradón, it’s Pradón.” I had already met but not from the character for which I auditioned but from Pradón. There I started to study it completely.

-You even have a physical resemblance to Pradón. Do you see it like that?

-Yes, totally. That’s why the change seemed super right to me. Mónica Antonópulos’s Yuyito González is impressively the same; She is super well chosen. And maybe I wouldn’t have gotten close to what Monica did. And I consider it very right that they chose me for Pradón because yes, I look the same. When they showed me the photo with Maradona in the car, I swear I was impressed because I thought it was me. I even thought: “When did they take this photo of me?” I thought it was me! In 2008 I was super platinum and the physical resemblance to Alejandra was a flash.

Adabel Guerrero

-Did you talk to Guillermo Coppola?

-No never. Neither before, nor during nor after. I don’t know him and I have never spoken to him in my life. I thought that at some point I would be able to come across him during filming or at a later event, but no. I was not lucky; do not know him.

-What was it like filming with Juan Minujín?

-Oh, Minujín is the most in the world! I loved sharing this work with Minujín and also with the director, Ariel Winograd, who are the best. They are humble, hard-working, great. They made me feel very comfortable and thanks to that I was able to work very relaxed.

Adabel Guerrero

The complete interview with Adabel Guerrero is in the May digital edition of Pronto magazine, it can be downloaded and read for free by clicking on this link

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