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Nine years after the first #NiUnaMenos, Argentine artists once again protested against violence against women

Mercedes Funes, Julieta Prandi, Lali Espósito, Natalia Oreiro, Tuli Acosta and Valeria Sampedro

For the ninth consecutive year, this June 3, a new march of Not one less in all the country. Motivated by the femicide of Chiara Paez, the 14-year-old teenager beaten to death in the Argentine town of Rufino, province of Santa Fe; Since 2015, thousands of people have taken to the streets to ask for Justice for her and all women who suffer violence. To date, according to the latest figures, A woman continues to be murdered every 35 hours in Argentina. In that framework, several celebrities expressed themselves through their social networks and in different Streaming programs.

One of the first to speak was the actress and film director Dolores Fonzi. He did it through a video starring the playwright Zuleika Esnal. In her publication, the interpreter recites a series of demands and requests that are owed to the women, who are the protagonists of this Monday’s call. “We don’t owe them anything and they owe us a lot. They owe us Justice. They owe us dignity and explanations”says the writer at one point in the clip.

Zuleika’s words were also echoed Laura Novoa: “Because if the rights that I have, the person next to me does not have, then they are not rights. They are privileges. And I don’t want privileges, thank you. “I want a fairer country.” The actress transcribed her book, “Log of a Scream.”

Then it continued Lali Esposito. Like Dolores Fonzi, the singer used the social network Instagram to share a publication from UNICEF Argentina. “It is urgent to put an end to gender violence and violence against children. #Not one less”says the image he uploaded.

The publications of Lali Espósito and Dolores Fonzi

Mercedes Morán He also used the post of an official entity to highlight the importance of the Ni Una Menos movement. With an image from the Lucía Pérez Observatory, the actress shared the data corresponding to the number of femicides and transvesticides from June 3, 2015 to June 3, 2024: in new years, sexist violence claimed 2,652 lives.

A drip genocide” says the original post. Just like her, Natalia Oreiro shared a compilation of data similar to the one published by Morán, but which also stated that every 31 hours there was a crime of this nature.

Other figures from the field who echoed the march were Valeria Sampedro and Mercedes Funesthe journalists who promoted the movement, back in 2015, together with Marcela Ojeda. “Nine years of this square, today as then“, the latter wrote via Twitter.

The posts of the journalist Mercedes Funes and the actress Natalia Oreiro

On the Intruders floor (America), Florence of the V He used the end of the program to make a mention of the date. “Today is a very important day, because 9 years have passed since the Ni Una Menos mobilization. The truth is that 9 years ago, when women and dissidents took to the streets, there was a very big change in our society. We believed that this was going to be the kickstart for something to improve, for them to stop killing us, because that was the slogan. At that moment, Chiara Pérez, a 14-year-old girl, had been murdered,” the driver began.

And he continued: “I want to give figures. Sometimes the figures are cold, because behind the figures there are people and there are entire families destroyed. But eSo far this year, just 152 days, there have already been 127 femicides: for being a woman, for being a transvestite, for being trans, for being a lesbian. Among the most important slogans of this march are: #NotAniUnaRetiredLess and also discourage arms laundering, economic defunding, Women, Children and Adolescents. It is important that we as a society can sit down and think about how we can reverse everything that is happening. It cannot be that a woman goes out and always has to say: ‘I arrived home alive.’ That has to change. The truth is that it is a job that we must do together, it is a pending discussion and a debt that politicians have owed to us for many years. I hope that this march is very massive, and that things, once and for all, change. For all. For our daughters. for those to come.”

Valeria Sampedro shared data on the number of femicides and transvestites throughout these years (Instagram)

One who surprised was the dancer and influencer, Tuli Acosta. In dialogue with Nati Jota, the last winner of “Bailando” She said that she suffered psychological abuse from her ex-boyfriendOctavio Appo, better known as Okay. “Threats like: ‘If you leave me, all this is going to turn against you,’” she confessed during his participation in It would be amazing (Olga).

“I didn’t realize that I wasn’t being happy. I gave myself a lot of emotion to a person who threatened me and isolated myself from the people who kept me grounded.“Tuli pointed out with a broken voice.

Tuli Acosta broke down when talking about her ex’s abuse

In the same line, Julieta Prandi gave visibility to the novel she has just published, “I would have to be dead”, where she tells the story of a woman involved in a violent relationship. Her work was well received by survivors of similar experiences, as more than one felt represented. In that sense, the brand new writer took advantage of the date to talk about this topic.

Five reasons why you should read my book”, he wrote at the beginning of the video that he published on his personal account. “This can happen to anyone, that is the first reason. The second reason is that in this book you will know how psychologists approach you, stalk you, talk to you, and conquer you. I swear. We are surrounded by psychopaths, you may even be in a relationship with one“, the author of the work began by saying.

Julieta took advantage of the anniversary of Ni Una Menos to talk about violence and publicize the novel she has just published on this topic (Video: Instagram)

“In the book you are going to meet a self-sufficient, powerful, beautiful, luminous woman, who suddenly doesn’t even know who she is. He doubts everything and begins to feel guilty about what he does, because that’s what it’s all about, they manipulate you and confuse you. She doesn’t know where she is, who to ask for help and what to do to save herself or preserve her environment, her family, her children, everything,” the presenter continued.

In addition, he commented that if he has not been a victim of a similar situation, his book can help awaken the senses to the possibility. “We are surrounded by everyone, there are many Lucías, unfortunately”, Prandi closed.

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