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This is what Alan looks like today, the son of Mario Bezares, of whom Paco Stanley claimed to be the real father

Without a doubt, one of the most controversial episodes starring Paco Stanley and Mario Bezareswas the occasion where the deceased driver took advantage of the presence of Alan, his partner’s son to joke about his paternity, claiming that the little boy actually carried his blood.and. Although at first this was seen as a common joke between them, years later those involved expressed the discomfort that this episode caused them, since it was something that went beyond the screen and reached them in real life.

More than 25 years after that incident and after the recent premiere of ‘Who Killed Him?’, Curiosity has arisen among the public to know what some of the people who surrounded Stanley in life look like today, including Alan Bezareswho was just a baby when this happened.

This is how Alan, the son of Brenda and Mario Bezares, has changed

After his innocence was proven in the trial for the murder of Paco Stanley, Mario Bezares resumed his career on television, hosting various broadcasts. Thanks to his presence on the screen, multiple aspects of his personal life became known, such as the solid marriage he forged with Brenda Bezares, who did not leave him alone when he was accused of being allegedly responsible, and the life they formed away from this scandal.

In addition, His followers witnessed how Alan, his first-born son, grew up, remembered for the times he attended the program forum that Mario shared with Stanley, appearances where he was shy in front of the cameras. Nowadays this is different, because at 29 years old, he is already more than used to it, since his parents have never skimped on the moments they share with him online, so it is possible to appreciate his radical transformation.

Alan Bezares has gained relevance on networks for his comedy videos

This is what he is currently dedicated to

About your tastes and interests, lAlan Bezares’ social networks highlight his love for music and comedy, aspects that he has merged to forge a career on the internet. Its main platform lies on TikTok, where He usually shares videos in which he appears as the protagonist and even has the presence of his parents.who keep up with him and lend themselves to the recordings.

On the other hand, on his Instagram account, the young man enjoys posting moments accompanied by his family and friends, as well as some of the projects he works on, many of them from the small production house in which he works.

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