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Who is Jaime Caravaca, the controversial comedian attacked during a performance: the lights and shadows of his career

Jaime Caravaca in ‘La Resistencia’ (Movistar Plus+)

The face of Jaime Caravaca is once again in the spotlight after being attacked by a spectator while performing a Show live at a venue in Madrid. According to the explanation of the person responsible for the attack, the motive lies in the inappropriate joke that the comedian shared on social networks about his son, who was barely three months old.

Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility of being gay, and when she grows up she gets tired of sucking black cock. And as a black worker, no football players. How wise time is, it’s time to wait,” were the words that the former collaborator of The resistance, program presented by David Broncano, wrote in an image in which the baby posed with his father, Alberto Pugilato.

You may be interested in: The comedian Jaime Caravaca, attacked during a performance by a father after making a joke about his three-month-old son

Considering that he had crossed the limits, the boy’s father went on stage and punched him while accusing him of making “pedophile and sexualizing comments” about his son. “Do you think my son was going to eat a black man’s d*ck? With three months?”, he repeatedly asks the comedian, who does not say a single word.

The moment of the attack on Jaime Caravaca (X / @ceciarmy)

The pedophile comments took place on Cornered at one end of the stage, Caravaca received a second blow to the face to the indignation and protests of those present.

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Comedian Jaime Caravaca made comments about a 3-month-old baby. The father showed up in the middle of his show and confronted him

— ceciarmy (@ceciarmy)

The face of Jaime Caravaca, originally from Murcia (1985), began to become popular thanks to his work in The resistancewhere he displayed irony and sarcasm playing the role of Sergio Bezos, who used to be among the people in the audience. For four years, the comedian was in charge of the preshow from the space presented by David Broncano until, in July 2021, he was fired from the Movistar Plus+ space.

His work in The resistancea professional project that he combined with his work in the program section Yu, don’t miss anything, led by Ana Morgade at that time, allowed him to achieve great popularity. So much so that, In September 2023, he entered the contest Got Talent, where he performed a number based on improvisation, since for him it is “part of comedy and the performing arts.”

Jaime Caravaca in ‘Got Talent’ (Mediaset)

Jaime Caravaca managed to obtain the gold pass After improvising a live dubbing without having any idea of ​​the images that the direction of the program was going to put into it. Paula Echeverría, Edurne, Flo and Risto Mejide decided to give him a direct pass to the final thanks to their great skill and talent.

Caravaca has always stood out for his irreverent style and his ability to address controversial topics with a sarcastic tone. However, his style has also caused a barrage of criticism, as there are those who consider that his jokes cross the line of what is acceptable. For example, the joke about the loss of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s baby generated a great climate of opinion, since her words were considered an “insult.” “Ayuso has lost the child she was expecting because let’s see who can put up with that lady for nine months“he said then in a Twitter post, now X.

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Jaime Caravaca dedicates himself to harassing, insulting and laughing at those who don’t think like him.

Little happens to him.

Abuse is not only physical.

And to all this, poor Ayuso, what this woman is having to put up with.

And on top of that, the friends talk about Political Violence.

— JuanAntonio 80 (@TR4F1C)

Without going any further, last December, the comedian claimed that the Artificial Intelligence that governs Instagram had censored his account for “interpreting jokes in his own way.” “A week ago I suffered an account ban because the AI ​​that moderates the content interprets the jokes in its own way. My account is under review, but I have no faith in recovering it, so I think it is starting again, after nine years, more than a thousand publications, seventy thousand followers, account verification, a million stories… Things that will happen again from today, once again. I return, although I never left”, he stated on December 29, 2023.

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