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“Yes, I filed a protective order against him”: 30 years ago, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio were not best friends – Movie News

Despite being two of the best-known faces in Hollywood and sharing a recording set under the direction of Tarantino, these actors had a complicated relationship in the past. We tell you why.

Leonardo Dicaprio and Brad Pitt They are two of the most iconic figures in Hollywood, but their path to a good relationship was not always easy. Despite having dominated the film industry for more than three decades, these two talents They never shared a screen until Quentin Tarantino united them in Once upon a time in… Hollywood in 2019.

The lack of previous collaborations between the actors gave rise to speculation about an alleged feud of which it is even said that in 1994, An incident led Brad Pitt to request a restraining order against the star of Titanic. In an interview with Extra, Pitt assured that “yes, I had a restraining order against him for a while… For an incident in 1994 that we don’t like to talk about.”

Although no further details were given about this situation, Hollywood movie fans claim that Gwyneth Paltrow could have been the cause of the tension Because when the relationship between Pitt and Paltrow ended in the late 90s, the press linked Paltrow with DiCaprio shortly after the breakup.

As expected, the relationship between these actors was never confirmed but Many claim that the closeness of the two may have made Pitt uncomfortable. and have him issue a restraining order against his colleague, because – as we all know – the issues of love are sometimes very complicated.


However, what was confirmed is that any enmity between DiCaprio and Pitt was left in the past and that now, Thanks to Tarantino, many of us were able to enjoy his talents in Once upon a time in… Hollywood. The film was not only a success but also showed great chemistry on screen, and It earned Pitt an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in addition to consolidating his friendship with DiCaprio..

Since then, both actors have spoken with admiration and respect about each other and thus, while DiCaprio praised Pitt as a “good guy” and mentioned that he was relieved that the restraining order was lifted.Pitt highlighted DiCaprio’s performance in the film, pointing out his “tantrum” as one of the best seen in cinema.

This film is currently available on Paramount+ after having been on several film platforms, and being a success at the international box office. Go see it today and recreate with these celebrities the close of the golden age of Hollywood and life in Los Angeles during the 1960s and 1970s.

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