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who invited her and a striking comment about Rodrigo De Paul

Despite having already given notes to disassociate himself from the rumors of an alleged affair with Alexis Mac Allister and Rodrigo De Paul, Rocío Robles came out to speak again to clarify his participation in De Paul’s birthday party.

The versions, at first, spoke that Mac Allister had cheated on his girlfriend, Ailén Cova, with Rocío, after being seen kissing at the party. Later, a member of the player’s entourage came out to deny those rumors and linked the model to Rodrigo De Paul, something that Ángel De Brito confirmed.

Without embargo, Robles denied having been with either of the two. In dialogue with Intrusos (América), Rocío said: “I no longer know what to answer so that this ends. The first thing I feared was for my job. I was in the party. I was not invited directly, my friend Tata Estanciero took medaughter of Mery Vilariño.”

Furthermore, the model explained that “there were many people in the middle” and that, despite what was said, They never “searched his wallets and they did not take our phones.”. It’s all a lie. There are even videos on TikTok.”

Rocío Robles was linked to Alexis Mac Allister / Instagram

I have been in a relationship with a person from the environment, we all know each other. Now also for working at ESPN. I have seen them in a lot of places, trips, dinners, What happens is that now I’m single“explained who currently works as a sports panelist on the program F (ESPN), about why he knew the National Team players.

Then, he flatly denied having linked up with Mac Allister in a loving way: “You may have seen me talking and dancing with everyone, I was at a party and I know them. I don’t know why precisely with him, he is in a relationship and it puts me in an uncomfortable place. He was alone and left early, because the next day he had a wedding. I know because I know the people who saw it.”

Rocío Robles is a panelist on the ESPN / Instagram program “F”

When, in the cycle, the rumors with De Paul were mentioned to her, Rocío launched, laughing: “At least he’s single!”. “I dont like anyone. I like to be conquered, a man who approaches me, I like them from Central, but I’m single. I was in a relationship for a long time and I’m going to stay single”, he added.

“There is no such person.”Robles added, regarding the statements made by Mac Allister’s alleged press, and Marcela Tauro noted that she received information that denied the relationship between Rocío and Alexis, but that linked her to another soccer player.

Rocío Robles got tired and told everything about the controversial birthday / Capture TV

And he continued giving more details about the party: “The bowling alley was not open to anyone, it was by list, but I don’t want to name names. There were a lot of people, girls and boys.” “It’s not that if I’m ever with someone I’m going to go on national television to tell about it, but I have nothing to hide“, Rocío insisted, about her reasons for telling the truth about what happened.

Finally, the model closed by explaining what, according to her, are the reasons why these rumors were created: “It seems to me that there is something malicious. Because it is directly related to my current job, this is being talked about instead of my job. They are very focused, focused, very professional kids. Nobody was drunk or out of sorts, everyone came and went their own way. For me they wanted to get me dirty and I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I say that it is not true and it is not enough.”

Rocío Robles was also linked to Rodrigo De Paul / Instagram

The furious release of Rocío Robles after the controversial rumors

Before communicating with Intrusos, Rocío went to her social networks and, with an Instagram story, released a strong statement.

“The truth is I wasn’t planning to clarify anything because when you speak things grow. I am single and I have nothing to hide. However, from the first moment I was consulted about it, I always told the truth. I wasn’t with ANYONE”, he began saying.

Rocío Robles’s release on her networks / Instagram

And he continued: “But when the intention is purely and exclusively to harm, I cannot remain silent. Everything they are saying is a lie. It bothers me that things like that are said as if nothing were happening, without thinking about the people and the people around them. I want to clarify that when I arrived for the birthday party, at no time did they search our wallets or take our phones. “There was nothing to hide.”

“There were a lot of people in the middle and we all had a good time. I respect the work of entertainment journalists, and I had good vibes with everyone. But I don’t have more to say. Thank you“, Rocío closed, furious.

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