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Carla Barber criticizes Jennifer Aniston’s latest aesthetic touch-up: “This doesn’t happen with my method”

Carla Barber is in the news again, although this time it has nothing to do with her personal life. The 34-year-old doctor specializing in aesthetic medicine once again makes the headlines after using her social networks to criticize the latest aesthetic touch-up that Jennifer Aniston has undergone55 years old: a filler in the dark circle area that, according to the Canarian, would not have been done in the best way.

Although the touch-ups carried out by Carla Barber are always loved and hated in equal parts, the truth is that the former ‘Survivors’ contestant has become one of the most media doctors when it comes to aesthetics. That is why the young woman accumulates a million followers on her social networks, so all her publications always give a lot to talk about.

This is the case of his last story in which she is horrified by the technique antiaging that has been used to improve Jennifer Aniston’s face, the one with the cannula with which a completely optimal result is not achieved. “Backfilling with cannula”Carla Barber begins by writing along with some images of the legendary ‘Friends’ actress.

Jennifer Aniston’s latest aesthetic touch.

Carla Barber defends herself

“This would not happen with our three-point method”, adds the already known queen of ‘pinchi pinchi’ who has turned her technique into a real business. It is worth remembering that Carla Barber teaches courses – not suitable for all budgets – where she shows her way of working to other doctors. “It is super important to put a small amount on each point and put it deep,” she insists.

“That Jennifer Aniston is 55 years old and the treatments are not correct It doesn’t mean I compare her to how I am at 34. “I compare her to the best version that could have been obtained of herself if the infiltrations had been done properly,” he adds, responding to criticism from those who accuse him of comparing himself to the Hollywood star when more than two decades separate them.

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