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Angelina Jolie hangs out with her children and celebrates her birthday away from Brad Pitt

after the controversy

The sons of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt They do not want to know anything about their father and several of them, like Shiloh, have even asked to change their last name. In the midst of the controversy, the actress wanted to celebrate her 49th birthday with your little ones and away from her ex.

The dramas between Brad Pitt and his six children exploded last week when Shiloh decided to drop her father’s last name and leave only Angelina Jolie’s. The media reported that she had sought out her own lawyer to process the request in court.

The trigger for the conflicts was a flight in 2016 on which the actor and actress were traveling with their children. He supposedly He even attacked his ex-wife and several of his children physically and verbally, which caused the FBI to have to intervene to separate them. After divorcing, Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh, Paz and the twins Knox and Vivienne sided with her mother.

Last Tuesday, the protagonist of Maleficent wanted to bring her six children together to celebrate her 49th birthday and they all gladly accepted their mother’s invitation. According to her, she has published E.T., organized a “calm plan” in her house for them, completely excluding her ex-husband.

His daughter Zahara, who is already at university, even left campus for a few days to return to his family home and be with Jolie. “Zahara has returned from university and everyone enjoyed spending the day together,” said a close source.

Brad Pitt’s response to his daughter Shiloh

After Shiloh’s decision to change her name when she turned 18 and drop the surname Pitt to just be Shiloh Jolie, the actor acknowledged that it had not suited her very well.

The protagonist broke his silence through the magazine People, confessing that “he is aware” of this gesture and feels “disgusted” because “he has never felt as much joy as when she was born.” “She always wanted to have a daughter,” he reflected.

“The reminders that he has lost his children, of course, They are not easy for Brad. “He loves his children and misses them,” the statement continues. This source ends by explaining that the actor “is very sad.”

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