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Prince William gives the latest update on Kate Middleton’s condition and comments on his daughter Charlotte

Months of preparation and coordination between governments have resulted in one of the greatest tributes ever celebrated on the European continent. France and the United Kingdom commemorated, with the presence of up to 25 heads of state, the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. A D-Day in which there has been no shortage of tears – those of Queen Camilla occupying the front pages of the newspapers -, emotion and also somewhat uncomfortable questions. The presence of Prince William, without Kate Middleton, was once again the focus of the news. Everything else was in the background.

From the first moment, both Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace confirmed the presence of the kings and the heir to the throne in what is the great summit of the rulers and royals of Europe. The countries involved and those that were united to fight Hitler’s occupation together in one of the most relevant symbolic acts today. A union of forces that everyone wanted to take advantage of. Not in vain, a meeting of this caliber does not occur every day.

At first, Kings Charles and Camilla and Prince William were going to share the events, since the absence of the Princess of Wales and the king’s delicate health advised it. Finally, we have been able to see them together practically from the early hours of this Thursday, June 6. Accompanied by Presidents Macron and Trudeau, Prince William has acted, like never before, as future king. An important step that he has taken alone. Of course, Middleton has been present.

The questions about Kate Middleton that Guillermo wanted to answer

During the long hours that Prince William has shared with those attending the anniversary of the Normandy landings, it has been impossible to escape the news. The absence of the Princess of Wales hovered at all times. How is she feeling? How does she evolve in her treatment? When can we see it again? The concerns of both British citizens and other nationals are logical given the situation that Kate Middleton is experiencing. Her announcement of the cancer she suffers from shocked everyone, inside and outside British borders.

Those attending the event did not dare to ask Prince William so many questions but they were interested in Kate Middleton’s condition. “It’s better,” replied the prince. without wanting to go into further details. Guillermo kept his expression firm at all times despite the fact that whenever he talks about his wife he makes a rueful gesture of pain. But the interest in the family of the Prince of Wales has not stopped there. His children have also come to light.


As reported in the British newspapers, one of the girls present during the commemorative events was interested in Princess Charlotte. Guillermo, understanding, responded that his daughter was studying at school since she has her final exams. “I hope it turns out well,” he wished while crossing his fingers.. A moment of closeness that has surely moved the prince. His three children have been, since the beginning of the Princess of Wales’s illness, his main concern.

Guillermo, very close to Kate Middleton’s family

During the talks that the prince was able to have with the various war veterans who were able to attend the anniversary of the landing, there were many women who had worked deciphering codes. Something very close to the prince since Kate Middleton’s grandmother did the same during the war. “Catherine did not find out about her until the end of her life,” the media reported that the prince responded. And Guillermo’s relationship with the Middletons is very close.

During the first weeks in which the princes of Wales learned of Kate’s illness, It was his sister Pippa who was by his side at all times.. He is the princess’s great support and the person she trusts the most. Her parents and her brother James also knew about Kate’s condition before making it public in the statement. Not so many of the Windsors, since the couple did not have full confidence that they would maintain the privacy they required.

There are no fissures between Prince William and his in-laws. It doesn’t seem like he does them otherwise either. King Charles III has become one of the people closest to the Princess of Wales. Having been diagnosed almost at the same time with such a similar disease has made father-in-law and daughter-in-law understand and support each other. Nothing unites more than a common experience, especially if it is so painful.

Concern about Kate Middleton’s condition

While Kings Charles and Camilla and Prince William are outside the United Kingdom, the press begins to have doubts about Kate Middleton’s condition. The international media have collected news these days related to the princess’s evolution. How is Kate Middleton really doing? Although it has been stated that until the end of this year or the beginning of next we will not see the princess reinstated in her job, everything is beginning to become relative.

Sources close to the Royal Family explained to the ‘Page Six’ portal that it is very possible that Kate Middleton’s return to her institutional obligations will not be at the same level at which she left it. “It may never be what it was,” they explain.. After assuring that we will not see the princess in the coming months – and until her medical team confirms it -, they explain that it will be difficult for Middleton to follow the same pace of work that he has carried out in the past.

The princess’s situation, according to these media, is serious. Possibly more than what was wanted to be communicated. This is also what journalist Pilar Eyre explained in the pages of Lecturas magazine. “Doesn’t the fact that Guillermo dedicate himself more intensely to his official tasks imply that the provisional situation has become permanent? That Kate’s illness, whatever it is, is more serious and will last longer than has been announced?

Be that as it may, Kensington is not expected to give more details about Kate Middleton’s condition. The princess herself requested in her statement that she be given time, space and peace of mind. And those slogans continue from the British media. But for how long?

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