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The international press describes Queen Letizia’s attitude in Guatemala with two sonorous adjectives

Queen Letizia (51 years old) is on a cooperation trip in Guatemala. Every year since Felipe VI was proclaimed King, the Queen has traveled to a country in Latin America or Africa to show her most supportive side and support different initiatives. This time Guatemala has been her chosen destination and since she arrived there she has not stopped. It is only two days that Doña Letizia will be in the country, but it is more than enough time to attend to different commitments in which her gestures are analyzed in detail. Even by the press there. Because Queen Letizia’s visit is making headlines in different media, which in addition to telling what he is doing, have highlighted the attitude he is showing in each of the activities he is carrying out.

Comments from the international press about Queen Letizia in Guatemala

If they are highlighting something from the international press, It is how close and involved that Queen Letizia is showing in each of her appearances. In ‘Prensa Libre’ they have alluded to how Queen Letizia is interested for each of the activities he attends and how he never stops asking. “The Queen was interested in the way young people are recruited at school. “How do you implement it? Is there interest? “He asked the municipal director of Education and Culture, Aida Bocock,” they have highlighted her involvement.

From ‘Prensa Latina’ they have highlighted Queen Letizia’s work in this type of trips when remembering that “it represents the ninth journey in which the wife of Felipe VI focuses her gaze on cooperation since it premiered in Honduras and El Salvador in 2015. And since ‘La Hora’, they have reviewed throughout Queen Letizia’s agenda for these days, highlighting that she will touch on different areas in order to give visibility to different issues.


Furthermore, media such as ‘Prensa Latina’ have taken advantage of Queen Letizia’s visit to Guatemala to remember when Kings Juan Carlos and Sofía were there. “Then, according to reports, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía complied with a work program that included meetings with various officials and an investment announcement,” they recalled. It is inevitable for the Queen that these days she is compared to her in-laws. Furthermore, Queen Sofia’s last cooperation trip was to this same country. Hence her names are appearing together in many reports. In fact, this fate might not be a coincidence. It was 10 years ago when Doña Sofía traveled there on her last trip of this type, and this could well have been a wink from her daughter-in-law to highlight the path she took and on which she gave her the witness.

To which the Guatemalan press has also referred, It was the red vest that Queen Letizia always shines on this type of trip “The monarch arrived at La Autora international airport dressed in the usual red vest that distinguishes the Iberian contribution to other nations” or “Queen Letizia, with the red vest of the Spanish Cooperation, moved to the center training at the end of her first day of the trip,” were some of the comments with which the aforementioned media have highlighted this look that has already become a hallmark of Doña Letizia. A look that this time has been finished with both sneakers and hiking boots, two types of shoes with which he ensures that he takes maximum care of his feet, even more so taking into account the injury he suffers and which has also been echoed. the international media.

The concern of the international press about Queen Letizia’s limp

Inevitably, Queen Letizia’s limp has attracted attention. Due to her foot injury, King Felipe’s wife has seemed uncomfortable at times. A fact that the Guatemalan press has highlighted. From ‘Prensa Libre’, shortly after Queen Letizia got off the plane with discomfort in her foot, they commented that “due to the injury, the Queen went down the plane stairs with some difficulty and was seen limping when she walked across the carpet. red flanked by a cord of honor.” Doña Letizia finds it inevitable to make gestures like this due to her broken foot. For a little over a month now, she has had this ailment for which she has never considered interrupting her schedule. What she has done has been modifications in terms of footwear and she has had to normalize those gestures of discomfort typical of such an injury.

The queen has tried, at all times, to give an air of normality to the injury she suffers from her foot. It was she herself, in fact, who communicated the fracture she suffered and how it occurred. A domestic accident from which she seems to be taking a while to recover. Not in vain, the measures that doctors recommend in this type of injury is rest. Something that the queen has not been able to follow to the letter. Letizia has maintained her hectic schedule since the days following the accident. She has not canceled any event, she has not given up any presentation. The commitments of the Crown go above any other aspect of the monarchs’ lives.

The queen, in fact, undertook the trip to Guatemala when everyone knew that her injury was going to cause serious inconvenience. Wearing comfortable shoes and trying to move as little as possible, it has been inevitable to see the queen’s limp in the various events she has already held on her cooperation trip. Of course, it seems to be improving since, at least, the expressions of pain that darkened the queen’s face in the first days no longer appear.

Queen Letizia’s new challenges

Without a doubt, the queen’s commitment to the Royal House is more than evident. Letizia is the best value that the Royal Family has right now among its ranks. Any event she attends is news, any cause she champions becomes topical. The queen’s touch produces changes and Letizia is aware of it. The queen is in one of her best moments. Good proof of this is the openness that can be seen in the functions of the members of the king’s family. In the absence of the queen, Zarzuela has trusted Infanta Elena to recover the official agenda. A fact that had not occurred for a long time.

Almost at the same time, King Felipe was with his sister, Cristina, at the presentation of the La Caixa Foundation scholarships. Without a photograph together and without a prominent presence of the daughter of the emeritus kings, the meeting of the brothers in public did not go unnoticed. Little by little, the infantas Cristina and Elena become part of the closed circle that the kings dictated in the worst moments of the Royal House. Only Queen Sofia had had room to continue being a protagonist beyond the kings and their daughters. Are new times coming? It seems that the Bourbons are beginning a new era.

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