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Estefanía Pasquini opened up about what everyone wanted to know about Alberto Cormillot

The relationship between Alberto Cormillot and Estefanía Pasquini always aroused a lot of curiosity due to the age difference between them: she is 38 years old and he is 85. The nutritionist doctor met his current wife when she was going to university, but they only recently began to have a closer relationship. nearby when he started working at the famous doctor’s clinic.

Cormillot and Pasquini have been together for many years.

Over time, the relationship between the nutritionist from “Cuestión de peso” and his current wife strengthened, they got married and became parents of Emilio, who will turn 3 years old in a few months. In the morning cycle of El Trece, the wife of Alberto Cormillot He spoke about the recovery of the health specialist after the domestic accident he suffered and referred to the age difference between the two: “The truth is that he recovered quite quickly. He is very anxious, he wanted to work, go to the program, so we don’t know how real it is that he feels good or wants to do it, period,” Pasquini said. And he added: “I spent a lot of hospitalizations with him, with the little baby, I had a very bad time. Although it was a blow, I was worried, I was very scared.”

Mariana Brey asked Pasquini if ​​she lives with fear present in her life because of the renowned doctor’s age: “Look, the fear was changing. Before having Emilio, I didn’t realize the age difference, we were always on par. When Emilio was born, I took it differently. Although, I cannot live in fear either.” And she added: “The age difference does not affect me because it is obvious, we are not the most normal couple in the world, I would be foolish if I believe that is not the case. The comments that I was with him because of the money bothered me, but the reality is that I had my profession and I never needed that. Today it doesn’t bother me anymore. “I chose for love and I don’t regret it.”

The confession of Alberto Cormillot

After the accident he suffered at home, where he broke 3 ribs, Alberto Cormillot He returned to “Cuestión de peso” and is better than ever at 85 years old. The doctor gave an interview to the cycle “Empezar el Día”, a program by Yuyito González that is broadcast by Ciudad Magazine and spoke about his relationship with Estefanía Pasquini and the son they both have in common, Emilio. The professional confessed: “Before being with Estefanía I did not imagine myself as a father again, after being with her I did. When the pregnancy was announced there were people who criticized, commented and I understood the criticism.”

And he revealed: “You know that when you have a child at 80, you will not be able to exercise your fatherhood as much as a child needs. At that moment there was no alternative, I loved him and so did she, and we were not going to separate. The only option was to have a child.” Regarding the criticism he received, he maintained: “When he receives criticism on the networks sometimes he gets hooked, and I tell him that he gets hooked with a person he doesn’t know. It’s not that it’s worth more or less, but if a friend or someone in your family criticizes you, you may or may not pay attention to it.”

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