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Valeria Ros closes her networks for her comments against Jaime Caravaca: “I regret having done it”

The aggression suffered by Jaime Caravaca by Alberto Pugilato During the comedian’s last show, it has generated a multitude of headlines in the media and reactions on social networks, such as the one issued by Valeria Ros. The collaborator of zapping publicly charged against the comedian for his offensive comments on X’s social network towards the aggressor’s newborn son, Known for following and manifesting a neo-Nazi ideology in his public appearances.

“All my support for people who have to deal with painful comments on social networks and it turns out that they are scared.”. It seems he’s not just going after Nazis. He’s a fucking misogynist and just wants attention. Don’t let him cross paths with me!“, he expressed accompanied by several screenshots with the comments of the one who was a collaborator of David Broncano in The resistance.

“It seems like you say something and you are in favor of the Nazi.”

His words did not go down well in a sector of the networks, as reflected in the criticism and violent threats received by some users. Faced with the barrage of hate, Valeria Ros grabbed her mobile phone again to qualify her statements issued against the comedian. “I published my opinion on the networks in a visceral way, because I understood that this man reacted in that way.”, he assured and later announced the closure of his X profile.

I regret having done so, that’s why I took off my nets, because it seems like you’re saying something and you’re in favor of the Nazi. I am not in favor of physical attacks, let that be clear. “How far can you set the limit on what is said on social networks,” she concluded. Despite what happened, Valeria continued to insist that Caravaca was wrong, as has happened on other occasions, but with her as the protagonist.

“Jaime Caravaca is not a good teammate. He is not a very balanced person and has a lot of hate inside. For a while he took to messing with me for no reason. The continued attacks on me reflect that he is not right in the head, because he is not normal. “That wasn’t a joke.”

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