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Campi told what he did with Denisse Dumas and left everyone speechless: “I got inside”

Martín “Campi” Campilongo revealed an unusual intimate anecdote that he experienced with his wife, Denise Dumas. The famous actor and comedian gave an interview with Sebastián Wainraich and there he recounted in great detail the moment when he had to assist his husband in a particular situation.

A few weeks ago, Wainraich made his debut at the helm of The perfect nighta series of nightly interviews carried out in The thirteen. Campi was invited there, who talked about his career, his upcoming projects and some unknown details about his life. It was in this context that the driver consulted him about a particular anecdote with Dumas.

Did you ever operate on Denise for a cavity?”, was the question that Sebastián asked him. Then, Campi answered, surprisingly, affirmatively: “Don’t do this at home, you have to be a registered dentist.” Thus, the comedian explained what the unusual situation was like: “She had a cavity hurt, and I tell her to open her mouth, and Denise has a mouth that big, so I go in and I told him that I can fix that and I asked him if he could handle it and he said yes. “I have a lathe, I have everything in my house.”

Finally, he said that the story had a happy ending, since everything went well and even the dentist approved the arrangement. “She went to the dentist to get a cleaning and he says ‘why don’t you fix this cavity?’ And she tells him ‘but you have it fixed‘. She replied, ‘ah, yes, but my husband made it for me.’ And he, surprised, said ‘she, but she is perfect, she still has it,’ Campi said, laughing.

Campi was encouraged to tell what he never said in public: “My whole life”

Martín Mariano Campilongo, popularly known as Martín Campi, opened his heart and revealed the bad moment that marked a before and after in his life. The famous comedian gave a very personal interview where he recalled a situation that generated great controversy.

In a recent note he provided with Teleshowthe husband of Denise Dumas He spoke like never before about his path to fame and reviewed those moments in his life, positive and negative, that marked him forever. Precisely, he remembered the darkest moment of his childhood, when he had to face bullying at school from “those salamis who thought they were scoundrels.”

My last name rhymes with so many things…That, from a distance, may sound funny and even somewhat naive, but as a child it is difficult to navigate“, he said with great regret. Likewise, he added: “The mockery of others left me naked and at that age it is not easy to find the equation to reverse it. “Bullying is something that marks you for life.”

Despite this painful memory, he assured that he found the strength to move forward and face the situation thanks to humor. “Even so, I had an eye-scanner to detect and expose the errors of these piolas in front of everyone. And in a roar of laughter, they moved to this side of the game.”, he said. Thanks to this episode in her life, Campi began to realize how important comedy is to get through everyday life.

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