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Pablo Alarcón’s urgent request in the midst of his hospitalization for a lung infection

In the same video, the actor could be seen from a chair and trying to interact with his followers through gestures and moving his lips while his daughter told her situation.

As they mentioned, in the description they left the necessary information and explained: “For those who don’t know, my real name is Rodolfo Francisco Marabotto, so it is very important that when you donate you say that name.”

“Phone numbers to contact: 4666-9898. WhatsApp: 11-3543-8893. [email protected]. Addresses: Fuhesa Regional Center- province of Buenos Aires. Ave. Lte Gral. Ricchieri 399 esq. Santa Fe- Bella View. Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Regional Center-city of Buenos Aires. Av. Córdoba 6429″, ends.

Pablo Alarcón blood donors

Claribel Medina broke down when referring to Pablo Alarcón’s health: “It got complicated”

For 15 days, Pablo Alarcon He is hospitalized due to bilateral pneumonia. And after his appearance on social networks showing himself from the hospital bed, his ex-partner Claribel Medina He broke down when detailing his real situation.

From Witches Afternoon (Net Tv), the actress spoke about the video that the father of her daughters shared since the hospitalization: They know that he really likes humor and through humor he wanted to put in this video, something that ended up worrying everyone much more.. “He will probably challenge me when he sees me today, I say it in a good way, because of the family we are, he will probably say something to me but nobility obliges us to explain it to people.”.

“This is Pablo’s humor and he handles himself that way. From this video, many people understood that what was happening was not so serious. The reality is that the humor of artists transforming something bad into humor is something very particular and we usually laugh at the most difficult situations.he assured.

Clarible Medina and Pablo Alarcón – capture Witches Afternoon.jpg

And she explained, visibly nervous: It is the third week that we are going through Pablo being hospitalized and that, consequently, there are a series of medical analyzes that were carried out, that is in the first instance. “I speak like this because I’m nervous and my words and thoughts get confused because I’m not talking about someone who, imagine, is my daughters’ father.”.

It was there when he pointed out the real state of health of the beloved actor who “The bilateral pneumonia was complicated by a hospital-acquired infection, but luckily he was not intubated but rather the hospital doctors gave him an antibiotic”.

While he concluded by revealing that “The antibiotics were not working, but they increased the dose so as not to intubate him”and finally he trusted that “There is also a complication in the heart. A while ago he had a heart attack and he has some stents, which need to be checked. You have to do a cleaning, “There will be an operation when the pneumonia improves.”.

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