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Felpudini faces lung cancer with experimental treatment: “We are in the fight to see who wins” | Rodolfo Carrión | TVMAS

“When they told me I had cancer, it affected me, but not so deeply. I never asked how much time I have left to live because I don’t want to establish limits that condition my existence. Currently, I am in the midst of chemotherapy, undergoing a session every 21 days. They’ve already made me six and I don’t know how many more I’ll need. It is the hardest part of the treatment, it limits me, it leaves me feeling unwell for about three days.“, comments the national artist, highlighting that despite the high degree of illness he has, he is overcoming the disease. “The tumors have shrunk by 50%. We are in the fight to see who wins. “I’m sure I’m going to win.”he adds optimistically.

Rodolfo Carrión, actor who played Felpudini in “El Jefecito”, faces a tough battle against lung cancer. (Photo: Alessandro Currarino)

Disheartening diagnosis

At the end of 2023, Carrión Velarde went to the doctor for persistent bronchitis, but the diagnosis he received was alarming: stage 4 lung cancer. A type of cancer that is usually quite aggressive.

I had no symptoms because I am asymptomatic, but despite being advanced, I was lucky that it did not metastasize. Unlike Christian Thorsen’s prostate cancer, there is no escape from mine. I cannot undergo just any treatment, but thanks to Dr. Leiva, head of oncology at the Sabogal Hospital, I was able to enter an experimental medicine program at the Ricardo Palma clinic. Insurance covers everything”, clarifies the actor.

Select patients are likely to travel there for the treatment, which is considered experimental because it specifically attacks cancer cells. Dr. Leiva and pulmonologist Óscar Quintana are providing me with all the necessary support, they have even provided me with nebulization equipment to do the procedure at home. I use them three times a day. I don’t diet, I maintain my weight (57 kilos)”, he details with some difficulty breathing.

Rodolfo Carrión was diagnosed with lung cancer at the end of 2023. (Photo: Alessandro Currarino)


This is not the first time the 75-year-old actor has faced adversity and extreme health circumstances. At the beginning of 2023, he was admitted to the National Cardiovascular Institute (INCOR) because his heart was only functioning at twenty percent and he had suffered several heart attacks in the past. In 2011, he also had to undergo urethrotomy surgery due to severe pain and discomfort in his abdomen.

I am prepared to take on whatever comes with integrity and calmness, since this is not the first time I have faced a circumstance of this nature. “I feel respect for the disease, but not fear, since exacerbated and compulsive fear is totally harmful and can trigger fatal processes,” comments.

The artist lives with his sister Gladys and his nephews in their house in San Miguel. In his family she found the essential support to remain firm, especially in the most difficult moments of treatment. Furthermore, he took refuge in teaching, an activity that has allowed him to stay connected with acting and art.

I continue to teach acting workshops at the Jade Cultural Center with Efraín Aguilar. On June 10 we start a new cycle. As Facundo Cabral said, He who works in something he does not like is eternally unemployed.. I have more than 50 years of artistic career. I began my professional activity in 1972 and have remained active almost uninterruptedly. To overcome any difficulty, it is essential to maintain a good state of mind and a positive attitude; This is 50% of the battle”, he points out.

Rodolfo Carrión is a theater teacher, actor and director, and on television he achieved popularity with ‘Felpudini’ in “El Jefecito”, a space that he remembers with great nostalgia and where he shared a performance with Analí Cabrera, his great love.

He was a very successful character, we were in ‘Risas y salsa’ for about 20 years. He is a very beloved and endearing character, but also a trap because when they called me for other roles, some thought that he couldn’t do it because of the association with Felpudini. Despite that, I managed to overcome that image“, recognize.

Initiatives away from TV

He has been away from television for three years, although he hopes to return soon as an actor. In 2023, he was behind the cameras directing Latina’s comedy show, “Jirón del humor.”

I would like to return, but at the moment I won’t be able to because of the treatment. I spend time reading, studying, and enjoying long daily walks on the beach, which benefits my physical health. And when this process is finished I will go to Italy, I want to walk. Until that day comes, I live in the here and now, and enjoy it”, he emphasizes.

Cancer has always been a shadow in Rodolfo Carrión’s family environment. Three brothers have lost the battle against this disease and now, two of his nieces are also facing this challenge. However, for the actor, the idea of ​​death is not a cause for concern.

I see it as a circumstance, I have already reflected deeply on it. All cultures glorify death, venerate it. We, due to our capacity for abstraction, amplify that concept, which in the end is harmful. For me, it’s just a circumstance, I’m not looking to make it epic. I don’t have an ideal farewell scenario in mind. I’ll just say: ‘Bye’”, he emphasizes calmly.

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