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Telma Ortiz, Letizia’s sister, and her ‘husband’ Robert Gavin, confess the ‘red lines’ of their relationship

Despite Telma Ortiz (50 years old) wanted to give all the prominence to her boy, Robert Gavin (57 years old), during the presentation of her first novel (‘The Fourth Estate’ – ‘Ediciones Agoeiro’), it has been almost impossible not to notice Letizia’s sister at all times. Smiling, smiling, friendly and attentive to everyone who approached her, Felipe VI’s sister-in-law has undoubtedly been the greatest support of the lawyer turned writer on this important day in which Marisol, Felipe’s great-aunt, has also been present. the Queen and her sister.

The event itself has been delayed a few minutes (so few that almost no one has noticed until Robert himself has said it) due to a fun and affectionate anecdote that the protagonist of the evening wanted to share with everyone present. With a diction that made it clear that his native language is not Spanish but with a perfect vocabulary with which he made it clear that he speaks the language perfectly, Gavin said that His “wife” had helped him minutes before to “comb his eyebrows” to go on stage.. Reason for that small delay that has caused laughter from the listeners.

Although we do not know if Telma and Rober have secretly married (at least it has not been reported to the media that said union has been celebrated), Letizia’s brother-in-law has affectionately addressed her at all times as his “wife.” Without a doubt a very affectionate nickname with which to name her greatest support on this special day. In fact, as soon as he went on stage He didn’t hesitate to go down the step to give her two kisses. A beautiful picture with which to show everyone how much you love each other.

During the talk, in which Telma’s ‘husband’ has made clear his great knowledge about geopolitics and world economy (closely related to his novel), Telma has been very attentive to everything that Robert had to say. All the time engrossed in how well the lawyer expressed himself when asked about the book, first written in English and then translated into our language because that way “the process was easier.” A moment in which Telma also He has been very attentive to his great-aunt Marisol, who also did not want to miss the presentation as support. And it is that heLetizia’s grandmother’s sister is like a second grandmother to the sisters. A support for every step they take.

Telma and Marisol chat after Robert’s presentation.


Menchu ​​Álvarez del Valle’s sister, the Queen’s grandmother, has taken out her cell phone on several occasions to immortalize her great-niece’s partner, but without a doubt the most beautiful thing has been chen Telma turned around to grab his hand. A sign of much affection and respect, as well as their knowing looks at every moment.

The red lines of Robert and Telma Ortiz

After the talk with the more than 40 attendees, Robert took the opportunity to sign copies while Telma attended to each and every one of those who approached her. Dressed in a very inexpensive pink linen shirt dress from Mango (still available on the website at 39.99 euros), Letizia’s sister He has shown his kindest and friendliest side. Accustomed to the distance he has from the media because he does not want to know anything about the press, when Lecturas approached him he did not mind answering that of course he had read ‘The Fourth Estate’: “Of course, I liked it a lot“, has said.

This medium has also witnessed how Telma met a friend of Robert’s who had attended this appointment. After introducing herself and chatting in English for a few seconds, this he asked to take a photo and Letizia’s sister has agreed as long as it was for her and not to publish in any media.

Regarding the couple’s “red lines”, a term that Robert has used a lot when he did not want to answer about his relationship with his in-laws (“I’ll leave it to your imagination” is what he said when we asked him if the Royal Family had read it and liked it). , Lecturas wanted to know if in a moment as complicated as writing a novel, when you are very focused, Telma had helped him with something or not and if he had felt supported by her. “I have written a lot when I was traveling, when I had time at the airport, trains, hotels… When the time comes to write it is better to be alone. “You have to focus a lot,” he told us about those long hours in which she had to capture the plots of her novel. Some words that say a lot about what the couple’s relationship is like.

Telma, very attentive to Robert’s words in the


And it seems that Robert has preferred to take advantage of his time away from his wife to write and stay focused. A detail that reveals a lot about him. And we assume that Gavin wants to pay all the attention she deserves to Telma and not start writing stories while he is with her. In what way has “his wife” been by his side? “He has read it. She liked it a lot yes”, he told us, recognizing the numerous knowing smiles that were thrown during the presentation. “Of course, he was in the front row to support me“, has added.

With a few words, the brother-in-law of Felipe VI has expressed and shown that in terms of professional are respected enough to keep the work sphere separate, although when they have to support themselves they do so without hesitation. In front of the gallery they are always very protected, without wanting to talk about it, but of course their gestures and the small details that the writer has told They have made it clear that they are very united.

Regarding his surroundings (we wanted to know if Felipe Vi and Letizia had liked it) he did not want to tell us anything and has acknowledged that He doesn’t want to “talk about family.” Have you at least read it? “I don’t say anything because if I say something it means ‘I said something’, but you can use your imagination.“, he said with a laugh.

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