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A woman from Rosario will fulfill her dream of debuting on Corrientes Street

“School of rock”: a woman from Rosario will fulfill her dream of debuting on Corrientes Street

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” says a phrase that fits perfectly in a person’s struggle to achieve an eternal dream. Eugenia Castañeira is traveling this path with a successful future. The Rosario is preparing to make her debut and show her talent on none other than Corrientes Street, in Buenos Aires, more precisely in the Gran Rex, as a member of the renowned and international musical work “School of rock” and whose main protagonist is Agustín “Soy Rada” Aristarán. “This is a dream come true,” she said, excited and looking forward to the premiere on June 20.

The young woman is 16 years old and began to venture into the show at a very young age. She studied at Cristo Rey School and is a Duendes hockey player.. Nothing is simple, but with dedication, vocation and drive at the On The Spot Academy, by Gina Paturzzo, she moved forward and showed all her qualities in her beginnings at the Broadway Theater academy. “I am studying through a virtual platform, which allows me to adapt despite the hours of rehearsal. Since I was a child I studied at that school and “Next year I will return, since it is my last year and I want to share it with my classmates and in the place where I grew up.”Castañeira said in a talk with The capital.

The talent of the singer, dancer and actress was quickly detected, she perfected her voice with professionals in the field and among the works in which she participated at just seven years old was “Anne of Green Roofs.” Until 2020, she was selected for “School of rock”, but the pandemic stopped her dream of debuting on Corrientes Street.

However, there is always revenge: next June 20, four years later, he will have the chance to make it happen. “To be chosen I went through a process of almost three months. More than 1,200 young people auditioned, I went through stages until the long-awaited “yes” arrived via email,” he said.

The renowned and international musical work has a great display with nearly fifty people on stage and more than two hundred behind the curtain. And it is a guarantee of success since the producers are recognized in the environment such as Carlos Rotemberg, Adrián Suar and Ariel del Mastro -son of Nacha Guevara-. The vocal coach and musical producer of the work is Sebastián Mazzoni from Rosario, while the acting producer is another born in Córdoba and trained in Rosario like Marcelo Caballero.

Embed – What a friend is – Eugenia Castañeira – audition material

Moment to never forget

Eugenia was happy, enthusiastic and proud to have been called again for an important role, although she has not yet revealed which one. But the mere fact of reaching the top of the show is a pampering of the heart and its desire to travel a winding path. “It is something that I will never forget in my life. Debuting on Corrientes Street, with a work of such level and prestige, standing alongside the greats of musical comedy, is speechless. Outside of that, I am studying fully because it is a complex work and everything is live. It’s unmissable,” said the young woman from Rosario.

>>Read more: A Rosario actress who shines on Brazilian television

As if that were not enough, the teenager received a scholarship and at the end of this year she will move to the United States to participate in a workshop taught by none other than Jackie Presti, a music producer of important North American bands.

“Since I was a girl I knew that I wanted to live on stage and star in great and successful works.. Stepping onto Broadway in New York would be the unimaginable. I would love to participate in movies or series, everything that is related to singing, dancing and acting. I know it’s not easy at all. It is a sacrifice in which I had to leave many things aside. “I miss hanging out with my friends, going to the club, my family, even school, but this is about fulfilling my dreams and I would do it again.”stated Eugenia, who made it clear that everything we have gone through is thanks to the support of “my mom and dad. I owe everything to them,” Eugenia simplified.

>>Read more: María Marull, the Rosario actress and playwright who shines with her works

“It’s worth following a passion,” stated the Rosario in the prelude to her official presentation in an internationally recognized work. Making it clear once again that the seedbed of talent that exists in the city remains unchanged. And confirm once again that “Rosario was always close.”

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