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Estefanía Pasquini spoke about her intimacy with Alberto Cormillot: what she said

Paula Varela took the opportunity to ask Pasquini what her sexual intimacy with Alberto Cormillot was like. Uncomfortable about the consultation, the nutritionist used an iconic phrase in show business. “I do not talk about my personal life”she shot smiling.

The filth, according to Alberto Cormillot and Estefanía Pasquini

A month ago, Alberto Cormillot and Estefanía Pasquini explained that once a week they broke their diet. Mario Massaccesi asked Pasquini to give more details of those licenses that are taken with the nutritionist in his diet. “We call it ‘the crap’”he launched, and unleashed laughter from everyone.

The driver said: “Pay attention to all the portals because the key moment is coming… What is the Cormillot filth like?”. “Well, we affectionately call it ‘the crap’”, he clarified. In reference to the son she had with the doctor, present in the study, she continued: “We covered Emilio’s ears”.

“The thing is like this… we act distracted and say ‘what are we eating’. “It’s planned, but we act like it surprises us and we end up eating fast food.”Cormillot added, trying to clarify that it has nothing to do with anything sexual. “But I can eat a chicken medallion, eight onion rings and fifteen fries.”he added, implying that what is allowed is measured.

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