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“I’m going to put it on my resume”: Luis Gnecco details what it was like to work as an Uber driver during his time away from the stage

In 2021, after facing a complaint for domestic violence, Luis Gnecco decided to take a “semi-voluntary retirement” from acting and started working as an Uber driver. This turn in her career was a way to generate income while she stepped away from show business.

In conversation with Julio César Rodríguez in We can talkthe actor described this stage, as a driver for the app, as an opportunity that allowed him to “come back to life.”

The experience of being an Uber driver while being a well-known actor

On Chilevisión’s nighttime program, Luis Gnecco shared details of his experience as an Uber driver. This episode is scheduled to air this Friday, and in it, the actor reflected on his unexpected occupation. “It’s fantastic, you know I’m going to put it on my resume, because it has been a very interesting experience”, he commented.

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Afterwards, the actor stressed that this experience offered him a different perspective on life and human behavior. “Notice that we actors always tend to look at our navels a little and we are always in a protected circle, like talking things among ourselves and it tends to be an endogamous thing, with the good and the bad that it has, but getting out of that circle, You don’t always have the opportunity, but it is very interesting.”he explained.

From his point of view as an actor, Luis Gnecco found the interaction with the passengers to be especially fascinating. “There is material to do many things, plus I see it from an acting point of view, I am always observing and people react in a very special way, The interaction that occurs is very, very special,” he concluded.

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