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rules and restrictions for your future

He last year has been key for Princess Leonor (18 years old) and Infanta Sofía (17 years old) for different reasons. On the one hand, the first-born of Kings Felipe VI (56 years old) and Letizia (51 years old) presided over the Princess of Asturias Awards, he swore the Constitution on the day he came of age and embarked on his military training at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza. On the other hand, Infanta Sofía (17 years old) took a step forward in her education and went to Wales to rpursue the international baccalaureate at UWC Atlantic College. Furthermore, relatively recently, it has come to light that the youngest daughter of the monarchs will perform her first solo act.

Despite the differences in their roles and training, the sisters have had to face new challenges and have left the family home. An independence that has surely given them great learning and has opened their horizons for their future lives and professional projections. But, What will that future be like? Will Leonor and Sofía have complete freedom or will they be limited by restrictions?

The two sisters have shown a lot of complicity.


Jaime Alfonsín, former head of the King’s Household, gave the opening conference of a few days of the Chair of Parliamentary Monarchy on the occasion of the 10 years of the reign of Felipe VI, in which he opened up on some key points of the young women’s trajectories. During this event at the University of Burgos, he gave certain indications that allow us to predict what the future of the sisters will be like.

Jaime Alfonsín points out the marked plans for Princess Leonor

Princess Leonor’s future seems obvious. When her father leaves office, the young woman will ascend to the throne under her royal name. “I ask you to trust me,” he said in his speech the day he was sworn in to the Constitution. A plea to the citizens to place the hope of renewal in it. Be that as it may, Alfonsín is clear that this plan implies certain consequences for the princess. “Reigning entails the restriction of freedoms”, he pointed out in the aforementioned talk. It is because of these limitations that Jaime considers that, for everything to go well, the heiress must “believe it” and “be comfortable.”

In addition, he has spoken out about the fact that Queen Sofia’s granddaughter (85 years old) must undergo triple military training: in the ground army, the Navy and the air force. For the former boss, it is completely necessary for Leonor to consolidate these “highest level” knowledge to understand the complexity of Spanish institutions.


Of course, he has pointed out that said education “not enough” to become queen, since reigning is not something that can be learned in some classroom, but rather it must be lived. Also, she believes that a future queen must learn “as a person, in civic, humanistic, moral and constitutional values.” The reason is simple: “Exemplarity is essential for the performance of public service,” she stated.

And not only that. The current counselor firmly believes that, as a woman in a position of power, “if it is in tune with the feelings, aspirations and desire of young womenof women, will have taken very important steps in their personal and institutional consolidation.” Despite all these challenges, from what he has been able to see, Alfonsín believes that the princess’s first movements “offer great confidence and invite optimism.”

What future does the Royal House hold for Infanta Sofía?

Although all eyes are usually fixed on Princess Leonor, the career of Infanta Sofía has also stood out in recent times. The youngest daughter of the kings has greater freedom than her older sister, but it must also follow certain precepts. For example, Alfonsín believes that Sofía should follow Leonor’s exemplary footsteps in terms of training, except for military training. For the former boss, if she wanted it, it would be correct to focus her life on serving the country as an institutional figure. Now, for Alfonsín would be “unacceptable” to reconcile these tasks more public with a job in a private company


A communication expert reveals the 5 points that Princess Leonor must improve before becoming queen

Jaime Alfonsín’s words indicate that, although the princess Leonor is carrying out a training process very positive, he still has many things to learn. This was pointed out by Julio García Gómez, a communication expert, indicating the 5 points that the young woman must improve before ascending to the throne.

They all have to do with oratory. As princess and future queen, Leonor must give hundreds of speeches throughout her life. That is why rhetoric is an essential skill for her institutional role. García Gómez has offered several recommendations to the young woman, such as “work on diaphragmatic breathing more thoroughly so as not to exhaust the air at the end of the sentences, and gain security and control of feelings,” says García Gómez. To convey all this, the expert believes that one should “rely more on the strategic nonverbal language of hand movement to give more value to oral discourse and reinforce the message”.

Another tip would be to search for “the complicity with the audience taking off little by little of the role, when she is more experienced and experienced, as long as it is feasible due to the situation she faces.” As time goes by, the expert firmly believes that Letizia’s daughter will achieve “with practice, greater emotional self-control to gain strength and enjoy conveying the speech he is giving.

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