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Tamara Falcó reveals in the ‘El Hormiguero’ gathering the day that most embarrassed her mother, Isabel Preysler

It’s Thursday in ‘El Hormiguero’ and that means something: Tamara Falcó (41 years old), Nuria Roca, Juan del Val, Cristina Pardo and Pablo Motos (58 years old) They have met to hold the gathering on current affairs, viral topics and personal anecdotes. This section, which began without many pretensions, has become one of the viewers’ favorite moments due to the naturalness and spontaneity with which the collaborators talk about various topics.

Although she started out timidly, the Marchioness of Griñón has shown feeling more and more comfortable speaking on set. We have seen her share private experiences, such as the prohibition with which she cuts the wings of her husband, Íñigo Onieva, and also demanding her place in the program from Pablo Motos. Tonight was no different and she revealed the occasion when she most embarrassed his mother, Isabel Preysler (72 years old).


It all started with Pablo Motos showing a video of the son of a congressman United States. While his father gave a speech, the little boy made funny faces at the camera. Seeing these images, the presenter wanted to know if they had ever embarrassed their parents. “When not?” Juan del Val began before explaining: “When I was seven years old, my parents were already calling from school because I wouldn’t stop talking. And to lie, to invent implausible stories. Anything. “That my father was a tennis player, for example.”

Right after it was Nuria Roca’s turn who told an anecdote about how her brother told a teacher that their father was defecating. “Let’s see, after Nuria’s, mine is not going to be funny“said Tamara when the ball arrived. Even so, she recounted the occasion in which she embarrassed Isabel Preysler. “I remember one time when my mother took me to a presentation she had in Valencia,” she began to relate. One Once there, the hours were passing and Tamara was beginning to get impatient. Because? She was hungry.

“It was 3:30 p.m. Then 4:30 p.m. And people kept coming in. Then, they asked me if I wanted to have something and I said ‘a hamburger,'” he continued. It was then that her mother looked at her, surprised and embarrassed: “‘It meant something to drink.‘, he told me.” Little Tamara’s confusion caused the queen of hearts to experience a moment of embarrassment.

Tamara Falcó, angry, makes a forceful claim to Pablo Motos in ‘El Hormiguero’

This confession comes only a week after the Marchioness of Griñón made a claim to Pablo Motos. It was also during the gathering when Tamara caught his attention to the presenter about an aspect he did not like. The debate had been very heated, dealing with topics such as faith or the most innate desires.

As the end of the talk approached, the driver began to focus on Juan del Val who always ends with one of his famous ‘controversies’. This did not please Tamara at all, who, a little angry, interrupted Motos and demanded more space in the program. “Why do you always have to let him finish?”she expressed, annoyed.

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