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The deep anguish that Daniela Celis feels for the twins she had with Thiago Medina

During an interview in which she told details of the intimacy of the family she formed with Thiago Medina, Daniela Celis responded if she feels guilty about leaving her twins to fulfill her work commitments. And she ended up making a surprising revelation about this feeling and about what he began to feel in recent weeks, shortly after Aimé and Laia turned five months old.

“From that side it doesn’t happen to me because I know that I am going to work to buy a roof for my daughters,” he said when asked if he feels guilty about leaving them to work. In addition to “everything I do is to buy our house. So, I want to give it my all because I know it is for them.”

And then, in dialogue with Pronto magazine, he indicated that “I feel the guilt at home for a specific situation that I didn’t know was going to happen to me.”.

“When I’m with Aimé and I want to take a photo with her, for example, I automatically feel guilty because I didn’t do it with Laia. So, I rush out to take a photo of her with Laia. I can’t make that difference. This started happening to me recently, in the last three weeks,” confided Daniela Celis.

In addition, “I also feel guilty about uploading a photo with only one and not the other. People ask me why with one yes and no with the other, and that It makes me sick because I start to eat my head. The same thing happens to me if I have one of them up and the other one is sleeping in the stroller. I can not control it. I know I have to relax but it’s hard for me. And I read a lot about stories of mothers with multiples.”

Daniela Celis burst into tears and spoke about the crisis she is going through as a new mother. / Source: Instagram

“That calms me down, because they all say that each child needs their personal connection with their mother alone, beyond the little brother. Each one at her own time and if the other is sleeping peacefully, I know that I have to leave her there and take advantage of that time when she is awake and up to me. It’s my head and a battle with myself. I’m going to get over it because this guilt that I feel at home destroys me. To the point that I feel like the one in the stroller is looking at me and thinking ‘why are you with her and not me?’” she concluded.

Daniela Celis told how she makes differences between her twins and Thiago Medina

During the same interview, Daniela told how she differentiates her twins from Thiago Medina, who were born on January 29 of this year. “As they grow, Babies look more and more alike. They already matched the weight and height, they are identical. Regarding personalities, when they develop, they also develop the mirror neuron and that means that they copy everything that adults do and they also copy each other,” he said.

And also that “they are together all the time and if one starts crying, the other does too. If one laughs, the other laughs too. They sleep together and even copy each other to get hiccups. That is inexplicable and they are very equal. We are having a hard time recognizing them.”.

We have to look at their earrings all the time and hope they never change them. because we don’t know how we are going to do it. What’s more, they have a single spot behind the head and they both have the same spot. They are very similar and I hope that tomorrow, when they ask me who I am and who she is, I will be able to answer them well. Otherwise I’m going to feel very disappointed as a mother. “I am preparing for that day,” she added.

Daniela Celis, Thiago Medina and their twins / Source: Instagram

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