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Flor Peña’s controversial phrase about Toto Otero, her eldest son, which did not go unnoticed

Written in SHOWS he 6/6/2024 · 6:48 p.m.

If there is something that has Florencia Pena It’s about speaking openly. Say what you think without paying too much attention to what they will say or how it may impact. With politics, for example, although it brought him more than one headache, but also with his family, as in this case.

The actress spoke about her bond with Toto Otero, his eldest son, who is already making a career away from the media. Specifically, she referred to the moment in which she found out that she was pregnant with him, the result of her relationship with Mariano Otero. Needless to say, today they have a very loving relationship, which is reflected in photos and shared moments.

“I was Toto’s mother when I was 28 years old. “He was not a wanted son, he came with an IUD,” She commented – precisely – with the sincerity that characterizes her, although it seems shocking if one sides with the teenager when hearing her speak like that.

Flor Peña with Toto Otero

Next, in the chat with TV Facesexplained: “At that moment I said: ‘If you have such an open mind, you’re disruptive and the same thing doesn’t happen to you as normal people, you’re going to have to adapt.’ because you will not be able to breastfeed your children and you will have to see how you generate that initial bond without having milk to feed them.”

Later, when she managed to focus on the fact that she was going to be a mother, she knew how to face what was coming to her. “I quickly placed myself in that situation and understood that I was going to be a different mother in that plan. But she also connected him with me”he indicated.

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