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The new nominees of ‘Survivors 2024’ yesterday react astonished to the strategic votes of the leaders

The night has been full of surprises in ‘Survivors 2024’. The grand final is just around the corner and everything happens in the Cayos Cochinos It is more decisive than ever. The first unexpected news was the expulsion of Aurah Ruiz. After more than ten weeks of being saved from expulsion despite the nominations of her colleagues, the Canarian has been expelled in a tight duel with Marieta. A decision after which the leadership game and the nominations have arrived, which have left a new list of nominees with tears included.

The leaders of the night in ‘Survivors 2024’

The first thing they did the contestants of ‘Survivors 2024’ to be able to nominate, it has been to dispute the leader game. With the end of the reality show getting closer and closer, they are giving it their all like never before. Well, this time the game has ended with two of the contestants hanging their necklaces. These are Blanca Manchón and Gorka Ibarguren. The two have emerged as leaders on previous occasions and this time they have done so again, thus being able to enjoy both immunity and the power to directly point out a partner to go up to the list of nominees.

Then, the nominations have arrived. After voting in which once again the ‘Survivors 2024’ contestants have shown that they have no filters, the two participants who have been exposed to the audience’s decision have been Miri Pérez-Cabrero and Rubén Torres. The first had not been nominated for a few weeks now, and she has taken with resignation the fact of having to be in suspense to find out if she is expelled or not. In the case of Rubén, he has been one of the contestants who have been nominated the fewest times, among other things because he has been the leader on numerous occasions. But she has also understood the situation well and resignation has been the only thing that has appeared in him.

Then, it was the turn of the leaders, who were able to nominate their colleagues directly. In the case of Gorka, pointed out Marieta. In this way, after fighting a duel with Aurah Ruiz, he has seen how for another week his future is left in the hands of the audience. In the case of Blanca Manchón, has chosen Arkano like the contestant you want to see out of the contest. His reactions have also been very calm, far from that of another participant who did burst into tears. This is Pedro García-Aguado.

Pedro García-Aguado’s tears when meeting the nominees

The contestant burst into tears when he saw that the list of nominees was made up of Arkano, Marieta, Miri and Rubén. The reason is that he has thus ensured that he remains a few more days in the contest and gets closer, if possible, to the final. Furthermore, the ‘Big Brother’ has received some nice words by Jorge Javier Vázquez. The presenter has highlighted the evolution of Pedro García-Aguado in the contest and has set him as an example for participants in future editions. Something that has moved the contestant even more, that there was a moment in which he wanted to give up but this is now far behind him.

On Sunday, next expelled from ‘Survivors 2024’

Now we have to wait for the expulsion to see who’s next. the steps of Aurah Ruiz. But we won’t have to wait until Thursday. It will be Sunday when there is a new one expelled from ‘Survivors 2024’. This was announced by Jorge Javier, who left viewers surprised with this change. Not so for the contestants, who do not know this information and on Sunday they will be in for a big surprise.

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