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How many participants will make up the plaque on Sunday in ‘The House of the Famous Colombia’?

This week, the rules changed, the public voted positively again and a points system was implemented that benefits the participants in ‘The House of the Famous Colombia’.

With the most recent elimination of actress Martha Isabel Bolaños, there are only six participants vying for one of the four spots in the program’s grand finale.

How many celebrities will be left on the plaque?

Throughout the week, the competing participants: Miguel Melfi, Karen Sevillano, Pantera, Sebastián González, Julián Trujillo and Alfredo, faced each other in various tests to accumulate points.

The red phone was back in this final stretch. As before, it is the bearer of good and bad news. Every celebrity has the right to Answer twice and receive calls, video calls and add score.

However, there is also the option of losing some points from your accumulated.

The desire of celebrities to be the first on the list is for a reason: automatically become part of the top five semi-finalists and thus avoid elimination.

That is, in each individual test, players fight to win that benefit. However, there are five other celebrities who will define their destiny.

The RCN Channel announced that for the elimination gala of the next Sunday, June 9, only four celebrities will go. That is, one more will be saved.

It is worth mentioning that the rules changed and the public votes positively. lLast week it was chosen to eliminate.

Presenters Cristina Hurtado and Carla Giraldo announced two pieces of news for Friday’s program. The first there will be a video call and, also, 200 points will be subtracted. In addition, there will be a musical presentation by Pipe Bueno and Miguel Bueno.

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