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Magaly Medina loses her temper with her production team: “They can’t even keep up with me”

Magaly Medina loses her temper with her production team: “They can’t even keep up with me.” | Magaly TV La Firme.

Magaly Medina not only fulfills the role of conductor of ‘Magaly TV La Firme’. She has pointed out on different occasions that she is also the journalistic director of the program, so before going live, she meets with her team to see all the reports that will air.

At all times, the ‘Magpie’ makes it clear that she is very demanding at work, so if an error occurs live, she does not hesitate to make it known. That’s what happened a few days ago, expressing her discomfort with the people who are at the switcher.

It all happened when Magaly Medina was commenting on the looks of the Peruvian national team players, the journalist asked her team to replay a fragment of the report that her program showed; However, she was surprised that she found herself without sound.

Jessica Newton and her forceful message to Magaly Medina about ‘Miss Peru’. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

“Can you play me some audio please, a little bit? an audio sun? 50 cents for audio? They played it without audio, well, anyway. You can stop arguing at this time, we really give a very bad image to people,” she said, quite dazed.

In addition, Magaly Medina She made a reflection during the broadcast of her program, ensuring that it was very likely that her audience was criticizing her, especially because she appears to be a demanding woman, while her team does not meet expectations.

“Many will surely say that I am very demanding, but, nevertheless, I work with people who don’t even measure up to me, unfortunately that is how it is when one does not choose the team,” was what he commented at that moment, and then gave way to another report.

(Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that Magaly Medina has become angry with her production team; on different occasions she has attacked the switcher workers and the DJ of her program, which has been changed on more than one occasion.

Magaly Medina dedicated part of his program ‘Magaly TV La Firme’, on June 5, to report that the scenario of Miss Peru, for which 740 soles were charged for assistance, was flooded due to an abnormal wave on Callao beach.

“The sea came out. Please, attention, national emergency, the place where this Sunday the great event of the coronation of ‘Miss Peru’ will take place, where the people who have bought their tickets for 740 soles will be in an uncomfortable chair sitting in the open with all the cold that it gets at night outdoors. “I don’t pay that,” the journalist initially said.

Then he commented that nature is unpredictable and it is not ruled out that the same thing happens again. “They say perhaps that on Saturday this ‘spoilt’, untimely wave, like the Ana Paula Consorte, will suddenly calm down and improve. But with nature you never know. But well, suddenly, if it is not in the ‘Plaza Grau’, they will run a little further, fleeing from the salty water that falls on them from that side,” she concluded.

(Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

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