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Marieta’s mother spills the beans in ‘Survivors 2024’ and leaks valuable information from abroad about her family

Marieta has received a visit from her mother in ‘Survivors 2024’, and he has done so with controversy involved. The contestant had to pay a very high price to be able to meet her again. The organization proposed that if she wanted to give a hug to the most important woman in her life, she had to cut her hair. A gesture that was the most talked about on social networks since her colleagues, when they received a visit from a family member, did not have to pay anything similar. The participant of the Telecinco reality show has shown herself very upset with having said goodbye to her long hair. But as soon as he was able to be alone with her mother for a while, he focused on enjoying her and talking about some of her concerns.

Marieta and her mother have an excellent relationship, so it was not surprising that they exchanged words with a lot of love, with a lot of pride, hugs… And as usually happens with this type of visit, there was something that caught our attention. It is inevitable for the relatives of the ‘Survivors 2024’ contestants to give them some information from abroad. Although the participants have to be isolated from everything that happens outside while they are in Honduras, in these conversations there are messages with which they find out about how they are seen outside.

The information from abroad that Marieta’s mother has given her in ‘Survivors 2024’

In the case of Marieta, her mother has talked to her about how her family is experiencing her contest. The ‘Survivors 2024’ participant has not hesitated to ask her mother how your loved ones are appreciating his passage through Honduras. Something to which her mother has responded by saying that “everyone is very proud of you, they are very happy. Your father is crazy happy, you are a true survivor.” With these words, she has done special mention to his father. Although he has not traveled to the Cayos Cochinos, Marieta has been able to receive this information from abroad that has served as support to continue the contest.

What Marieta has also done has been apologize to his mother. After a few weeks apart, the ‘Survivors 2024’ contestant wanted to apologize for how badly she speaks to her parents on some occasions. An apology to which the contestant’s mother has reacted by saying that now is not the time to worry about that and that absolutely nothing is happening. “What I love you… really, I’m sorry for when I speak badly to you, it’s that I’m stressed out by life,” was the exact statement with which Marieta had this nice gesture with her mother.

Furthermore, the mother of Marieta has encouraged him about his haircut. The contestant has expressed displeasure with having cut her hair, since it was very important to her and had become her great hallmark. Through tears, she said that she cut it to see him, because otherwise she would not have been able to do it. “Look how skinny I am, what a frown I have and how I cut my hair because otherwise I wouldn’t see you,” she said through tears.

All about Marieta, ‘Survivors 2024’ contestant

At that moment, her mother consoled her and told her not to worry about anything, that she is very pretty, and to think that she is part of the fact that once the reality show ends, a new Marieta will return to Spain. “You have surprised me a lot, I didn’t expect you to go so far and do so many things,” said the most important person in Marieta’s life. Some words that the participant was very grateful for and that have given her strength to face this haircut that has come to be called a trick.

The trick of ‘Survivors 2024’ on Marieta

It was at the table game of temptations when the organization of ‘Survivors 2024’ took the contestant to the limit. She was offered other things such as food or information about her nephew, but she said no since the reward at that moment was not seeing her mother. But as soon as she found out that if she paid the price they asked she could hug her, she didn’t hesitate twice. And that price was cutting your hair. The reason why this has been called injustice is that her colleagues have not had to do anything similar. Not even to obtain other rewards, since her penances are easier than the one Marieta has carried out, taking into account how important her hair is to her.

Marieta, one of the nominees for ‘Survivors 2024’

Now, Marieta has to face a ‘Survivors 2024’ gala that will be decisive for her. The contestant is one of the nominees. Along with Aurah Ruiz and Pedro García-Aguado, he is risking his permanence in the contest. Arkano was also one of the nominees of the week, but the audience decided to save him last Tuesday and this made it between the three of them. The contestant does not want to leave, especially if it is possible for her considering how close it is until the contest comes to an end. Although she entered the contest a few weeks later, since she arrived to replace Zayra Gutiérrez, she quickly took her place and has always been one more. This has also been considered by the public, who has already saved him of the nomination on more than one occasion. A clear sign that there are times when entering a reality show later is no problem when it comes to going far and even sneaking into the grand finale. Something that could happen to Marieta if she continues to avoid the nominations that the contestants will once again face tonight.

Marieta’s downturn after the expulsion of Kiko Jiménez from ‘Survivors 2024’

A salvation that would give him strength considering the setbacks he has had in the last week. In addition to having cut his hair, we must add that Kiko Jiménez was expelled from the contest last Sunday. Sofía Suescun and Marieta’s boyfriend They created a great alliance during their time on the program. Hence, when the spectators decided to expel him, his friend was heartbroken. Now she has the maximum support from him from Madrid.

Once he was expelled from ‘Survivors 2024’, Kiko Jiménez assured that according to him, the person who Marieta has to win the reality show. “It has had an evolution that is brutal, without a doubt the best. She arrived as a mother’s girl, who didn’t even know how to make a fried egg, and she leaves being a great survivor,” said the influencer to highlight everything that her friend has evolved during the weeks of the contest. On the opposite side, Kiko also got involved in saying that she does not deserve to continue in the contest. “Other colleagues should have left before me. Arkano is a piece of furniture, Torres is very basic, Gorka is very survivalist but he had already learned from home,” she commented on other contestants who are still in Honduras and who, furthermore, are not nominated this week.

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