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all the keys to the most special mother and daughter moment

The end of the school year is approaching and for all students who do it away from home it is a unique moment to return home and enjoy being with their parents again. If not, tell Letizia that in a few weeks she will meet Sofía again after studying her first year in Wales.

Since Infanta Sofía decided to study at the UWC Atlantic College in the United Kingdom, following in the footsteps of her older sister, Leonor, she has spent much of the school year outside of Zarzuela. That’s why when the end of the course approaches, I’m sure she’s looking forward to returning. This The long-awaited moment will be very special for Letizia and Felipe VIbut also for the young woman who will be able to enjoy, in addition to being with her parents and sister, a well-deserved vacation.

Sofia’s last days in Wales before summer

The school year is coming to an end and Infanta Leonor’s first year in Wales has surely been full of good times. Now she has to face the last weeks before returning home to enjoy the summer. These next few days will be bittersweet for the infanta. On the one hand, he sees the holidays getting closer and reuniting with his family in Spain, but, on the other hand, he will have to take the final exams and say goodbye to all his new friends from College.


Following in Leonor’s footsteps

Her older sister, Princess Eleanor, also studied at UWC Atlantic College, which not only sets a precedent within the family for how it works and the dates each course applies, but also It is something that facilitates a similar experience for both sisters when facing their future. Something that Letizia has fought for since they were little.

Although the heir to the throne is Leonor, They have never wanted to neglect the care and equality of Sofía, the second daughter of the marriage, so that there was no difference between the two. This, and the excellent prestige of the center, which in addition to academic studies, offers students to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, sports, and community service projects, would be one of the main reasons that would have led the Royal Family to bet for the second time on the same educational center.

The day of farewell

There is already a date marked in red on Sofia’s calendar, specifically in a week, the Friday, June 14, which according to the UWC Atlantic College of Wales website will be the last school day for students who are at the center taking the first of the two training courses it offers. They must have everything ready, since that same day, before 10:00 p.m., they must also leave the College residence. According to what has emerged, many of the students will be picked up by a bus and taken to Heathrow airport, but we do not know if Sofía will accompany these classmates or will have another type of transfer depending on her flight.

It will then be time to say goodbye to your new friends, with whom we know you have shared more than one good time and parties throughout the course, although they have been kept completely secret, and put heading to Madrid to return to Zarzuela along with his parents and his sister, who will also return home after finishing his training at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza. The exact departure or arrival time at which Sofia will decide to leave the United Kingdom on that day is not known, but it probably won’t take long to be able to enjoy as much vacation time as possible here in Spain.

A “secret” summer for Sofía

He will then have around two months of vacation ahead of him before returning to Wales to face his second course in September. Although it is already known that she will have to be in Wales a few days before that month, since it has been reported that the reception and arrival of the second year students of the UWC Atlantic College must be before August 23a few days before starting classes, but enough to prepare for them beforehand.

But for that there are still many days that Infanta Sofía will enjoy here. She will spend the summer with her parents and her sister, enjoying time as a family, which are surely moments that she has missed during this course, which has been the first year that she lived abroad. Also the first that the kings Felipe VI and Letizia have had the house to themselvesso I’m sure they are also looking forward to spending time with their daughters.

We know some of the plans of the royal family during the summer, such as their traditional stay in Mallorca, where they will surely coincide with the queen emeritus Doña Sofía, and even with other members of the aristocracy, but no details are known about Sofía’s plans for this summer Will you go on a getaway with friends? Maybe with one of your cousins? Will she miss some of her friends from Wales – which, remember, has students from more than 90 countries around the world – and travel to a foreign country to see her?

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