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A nightmare trip: Puma Goity remembered when he almost ended up with Luciano Castro on a boat

Written in SHOWS he 7/6/2024 · 10:20 a.m.

With the sympathy that characterizes him, the Puma Goity remembered a movie anecdote that he lived with Luciano Castro while filming the film Love of seas on an ocean liner.

Luciano He was the protagonist and I was his companion. Luciano and I are friends because we are people who love to suffer. A project on an ocean liner is something that would be great for any actor. I was leaving Buenos Aires and was going to end up in Venice, it’s something that sounds beautiful,” he began during a visit to Perfect Night (El Trece).

Were they alone on the boat?“, asked Sebastian Wainracich. With humor, Goity explained: “No, we, in our innocence, thought so at first. We were stupidly innocent. We were already in a bad mood about that. “Anyway, with this I don’t mean that the problem was with the liner but that the problem is ours.”

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez was also with us but he had to film some scenes in the port and then he left. That already put me in a bad mood because I thought he was coming. Two hours after being on the boat with Luciano we were having a terrible phobia attack. It was full of Brazilians too,” he continued.

After this, the actor explained that the Brazilians burdened them with football issues: “And on top of that, they asked me (from production) to calm Luciano down. To avoid these types of issues, Luciano He tells me: ‘Let’s go train.’ Imagine how excited I was, that I was going to train with him. And well, Gordo was training and I was on the bike. Afterwards, they had told us from the production that, due to filming schedules, we could eat at any time but, when we arrived, they told us no.“.

This is starting to get very complicated.“, he said, tempted Wainraich. “We told them that we were from the movie and the people on the cruise told us: ‘What do I care?’ At one point I told Luciano ‘let’s go’ and there I saw that he was face to face with the maitre d’. The maitre d’ was giant, imagine that Luciano seemed small. Luciano told him: ‘You are a gangster.’ And a person who asked me to separate them and I jumped on the dove. The young men who were Croatians and Serbians arrived there. There were runs“he recalled Goity.

It was you two against the world“the driver joked. Finally, completing the anecdote, the actor closed: “I ended up getting paid, Luciano didn’t. After the battle we ended up being brothers and the maitre d’ told us: ‘Come eat whenever you want.‘”.

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