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‘It’s in the past, resumes are received’

It’s almost time to meet the winner of the first season of the reality show ‘The house of the famous Colombia’, where 22 individuals had to live together for several weeks and meet various tests imposed by ‘the Boss’.

One of the actresses who was part of the program was Diana Ángel, who is known for having starred in series such as ‘Francisco, the mathematician’ and for having participated in musical shows such as ‘Mujeres a la Plancha’.

A few days ago, the actress and singer opened up to her followers and told some moments she experienced during her stay in the house, including her romance with another of the participants known as ‘Culotauro’, whose real name is Camilo Díaz.

From her ‘X’ account, Ángel mentioned that she fell in love with a man younger than her and that she took him as a “beautiful experience from art and humor”, However, he assured that they are currently only friends and that their love relationship ‘remained in the past’.

“Resumes are accepted, but please make sure they are over 40…thank you,” said the actress.

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Furthermore, he said that during his stay in the house he was characterized by his spirit of protest against any situation that he considered unfair, as he took the stand at various times such as when they started a pot-banging “for the right to a decent rest.”

In this regard, he assured that after the ‘strike’, ‘the boss’ threatened to take them to Esmad and that that was where he got the courage to continue with his demands.

Likewise, he said that sanity is tested in this type of contest because there were many moments when They were forbidden normal things such as reading, singing, eating and that with this you can develop up to a degree of dementia.

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He stated that he did not agree with several of the treatments they suffered during their stay in the house and that at times he saw his “creativity violated.”

Now that you can use your social networks and give your opinion on any topic, as you always have, you also gave his point of view on the current situation between Palestine and Israel.

Likewise, he argued: “I had forgotten the delicious adrenaline of this network!… True masochism taken to the extreme!.. Hello Twitter X!… I had missed you.”

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