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the drama you have with the prepaid

Jacob Winograd (65) gave a note to Show Partners (El Trece, Monday to Friday at 10:30) and there he spoke about the difficult health moment he is experiencing. In that sense, he detailed the dramatic situation he experienced with his prepaid plan to be able to undergo surgery next Monday on his left hip.

“I am very hypochondriac, I am very afraid. On Monday I had surgery on my left hip with an eminence like Alejandro Druetto,” Jacobo began by saying, after saying that it was difficult for him to walk because he has severe osteoarthritis.

“I had to arrange with the Alcla clinic, that after 2 days in Otamendi, that the ambulance, that no. The prepaid that did not cover me had problems,” he warned about the difficult situation he faced recently.

“A friend lent me the money to pay for the prosthesis, which costs a lot, I won’t say the amount, but very expensive. I wanted to give myself a national one. And nothing covered me,” he said in the cycle led by Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares.

Then he complained to Swiss Medical, the prepaid company he hired: “I don’t speak for myself. I speak for thousands and thousands of people who have a prepaid plan, since there is now a dispute between the government with the prepaid plans, they don’t give you any attention. “They don’t give you anything.”

“I have two messages on my phone from the owner of the private medicine company, Claudio Belocopitt. I told him ‘I have been a member of this prepaid company for 35 years. How can they not cover me? They don’t want to cover anything for me! And Claudio Belocopitt answered that he doesn’t serve anyone! He told me that he was going to see him in the office, that he already knew about the issue. “Why did they operate on me in Otamendi and not in Los Arcos,” the media revealed.

The drama that Jacobo Winograd is experiencing due to his delicate state of health.

On the other hand, Winograd said that he suffered an infection in one of his implants, which complicated his delicate condition: “I have been suffering for more than a year. I can’t walk, I limp and when it’s humid I die of pain. Do you know what it’s like to suffer from severe osteoarthritis in the hip?”

“I am very nervous about the operating room, I admit it. But I was never afraid of death and now I am afraid of it for my daughter, more than anything, because I am not going to see her again,” Winograd confessed, visibly moved.

“And now, when I’m going to have surgery I say to myself ‘will I wake up, won’t I wake up?’. The truth is that I have been sick for two days. It is difficult for me to fall asleep and I am afraid,” Jacobo highlighted because of the fear he has about the surgery.

Jacobo Winograd spoke with Socios del Espectáculo (El Trece).

At the same time, he recalled a previous surgical intervention that was performed a decade ago, which had also marked him greatly at the time: “I had spinal surgery because I had herniated discs with spinal cord impingement, nine years ago. “I could have been paraplegic.”

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