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Anna Vaccarella opens her heart and remembers Guillermo “Fantastic” González with deep feeling (+Video)

In June 2020, Venezuela suffered the physical departure of one of its biggest stars: Guillermo “Fantastic” Gonzálezwho for many years made his life on television with his program “How much is the show worth?” In that sense, the journalist Anna Vaccarella He shared the affection he had for González.

On his Instagram account, Anna published a reel of images with which she honored the animatorin which he included the magnificent show that was broadcast in 1980. Likewise, he recalled what learnings the Spanish presenter, nationalized in Venezuela.

A message full of feelings

“Dear Guillermo, only those who are not remembered leave and here, in this space, you will always have a place where I will honor your existence and your life!” start.

In that sense, he emphasized the goodness of “Rolo e’ vivo” and how it was considered by his loved ones and fans. “You were a successful man! You had it all! Fame, charisma, people’s love and prosperity! But the greatest thing you had was your heart!”he continued.

“You were a friend of your friends! In the good times and especially in the bad. I will NEVER forget your frequent phone calls to encourage me and make me laugh when life tested me! And also your insistence on sending me a plane to pick me up and take me where the doctor of “el Puma” your soul friend, who was also going through a difficult health situation”, he added.

Precisely because William’s birthdayVaccarella noted: “Today your house would be full of many people celebrating your life! Today we would be laughing at your jokes and remembering those golden times of our television. You loved joy! Your charisma conquered hearts!”

Finally, the presenter also highlighted the last time they saw each other, when they were both in the city of Madrid when she had already overcome her cancer and he was still physically perfect, despite the fact that he later lost the battle against liver cancer.

“I honor your life Guillermo Fantastic González! And I thank God because you were in mine!” he concluded.

The “rolo e’ vivo”

Guillermo was born on June 8, 1945 in Canary Islands, Spainbut At the age of 7 he traveled with his family to Caracas. Since his arrival, he began to study and to specialize, he entered the Central University of Venezuela where he studied architecture.

He began in the world of entertainment when he studied performing arts at the Juana Sujo school, and from there he developed as a presenter, producer and also a writer. He died in Spain on June 30, a few months after having such an unfortunate illness detected.

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