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The emotional words of Esmeralda Moya to her father, who suffers from Parkinson’s: “I dream every night…” – Trending topic

Esmeralda Moya He shares his daily life on social networks and a fundamental part is his family. Especially his father, whom he takes care of whenever he can along with his mother since he is sick with Parkinson’s and dementia. Two complicated and difficult illnesses to deal with, especially because she forgets more and more things and that is something that greatly affects the actress, who is having a hard time assimilating that her father will never be the same again.

A situation that he has never hidden and that he has wanted to make visible to everyone who is experiencing the same or something similar and needs to feel reflected in other similar stories. For this reason, the interpreter wanted to write this letter on her Instagram profile, reminding herself of all the good times she had with her father that, no matter how much time passes, they will always be in your heart.

Esmeralda Moya and the emotional letter to her father

I know that I will always be the apple of your eye, I see it in your eyes even if you no longer tell me.“, Esmeralda Moya began by saying in this text dedicated to her father. “I can’t explain everything I’ve been through in recent years with my father, or yes, but I prefer to close my eyes and see him like this photo,” she said, making it clear that she prefers to think and believe that nothing has changed since she was a child. : “who reminds me, who listens to me, who tickles me when we watch TV, who accompanies me to work, who helps me fix things around the house, who calls me to find out where I am in case he stops by to see me…”

“AND I cannot deny that I dream every night of waking up and going to see you and seeing that everything remains the same, that you make your life with mom, and that you enjoy yourself as you deserve, that you enjoy your 64 years“, he continued to express, with some sadness because deep down he knows that his father will never be the same again due to the health problems he has had for a few years. In his own words, a progressive and painful disease, especially for him but also for everyone around him.

Esmeralda Moya’s gratitude to everyone around her

I will always be there to help you and give you back everything you have given throughout my life, and I will continue to be by your side to remind you how much I love you dad.“Esmeralda Moya continued to say, making it clear that she is not going to separate from him for even a second. And finally, there has been no shortage of thanks to all those around her and who are at her side on this path that is not being easy at all. “As always, I take this opportunity to thank you, my husband, my mother, my children, my friends, the people who have accompanied me in all these years and who I feel are with me, with us. Thank you,” she concluded.

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