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Just like dad: this is how Elena, the teenage daughter of Gerardo Rozín and Carmela Bárbaro, is today

Gerardo Rozin He was a great television host, a memorable radio voice and a comedian and companion remembered by his colleagues, even today, a little more than two years after his death. The family of the TV personality also remembers him.

Recently, the name of the host of “La Peña de Morfi” starred in headlines in all the newspapers and magazines, and that is why many curious people returned to search for information about him and remember his great moments. In that sense, he surprised the growth of Elena, the daughter he Gerardo Rozin he had with Carmela Bárbaro.

The last post that Gerardo made with his daughter.

The face of Telefe had been a father twice, first to Pedro, with his first partner, and then to Elena, in 2010. On several occasions, Gerardo Rozin He referred to them with great affection and admiration. Currently, her youngest daughter lives with her mother and she also shares quality time with her brother, just as her father would have wanted..

The resemblance to his mother Gerardo Rozin It is totally perceptible, without a doubt, as time goes by, you will be able to see more and more gestures and details of the host of “Thank you for coming, thank you for being” in the teenager who is already 14 years old.

It should be noted that, on one occasion, the journalist received Pedro in his cycle and there they were able to talk about the relationship they had, with the good vibes of Zaira Nara in the co-hosting, the media explained: “The children that I leave for the world go to always be well, although it sounds very arrogant, I leave children who were always loved.” Without a doubt, the children of Gerardo Rozin They have great memories of him.

Gerardo with Elena and Pedro.

What happened to Moldavsky and Rozín

Recently, Roberto Moldavsky referred to the television host and said he missed him and after that it didn’t take long for the answers to arrive. The journalist Romina Manguel did not forgive her anything and said: “You would have remembered when she was dying.”

In dialogue with “Socios del Espectáculo”, Moldavsky did not want to give details of what happened but he did express: “(to talk) about someone who is not there, is crazy” and added: “I was a very good friend of Gerardo Rozin“Not from all my life out there, like her, but from the last few years and I am happy with that, but very sad that she left.”

It should be noted that when Romina Manguel posted on the networks, the person who supported her with an interaction was the ex-wife of Gerardo Rozin and the mother of his daughter, so they asked the comedian if he would talk to her: “I have nothing to talk about. To vice.”

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