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Bertín Osborne issues an urgent statement on the paternity of Gabriela Guillén’s son

Bertín Osborne (69 years old) has given a turn to events as far as Gabriela Guillén’s baby is concerned. After months of denying her paternity and ensuring that until the tests were done she was not going to take care of the little one, now she will. The artist has issued a statement in which he has said your new decision. A writing that is also signed by Gabriela in a clear sign that she agrees with the determination of the one she has always assured is the father of her son. In said writing, although Bertín has not referred to the baby as her son, he has talked about how he is legally going to take care of the little one.

The writing begins by stating that “Bertín Osborne wanted to make public today his commitment to providing the best future for the baby he Gabriela Guillén gave birth 5 months ago, “In this way normalizing the relationship with the businesswoman who was the singer’s partner at the time and showing maximum responsibility with this minor.” A way to make it clear that he and Gabriela had a serious relationship for a time.

About the change he has made, the statement issued by Bertín Osborne He emphasizes that “in this way, he has considered it essential to put an end to a situation that was not beneficial for either the mother or the baby. Bertín recognizes that his first reactions in this situation “were not the most appropriate” on his part and he wants to amend them with facts that allow better opportunities for the minor. Some words with which also has given her place to Gabriela Guillén.

Bertín Osborne’s apologies to Gabriela Guillén

Because if something draws attention in the text, it is that Bertín Osborne has recognized that he has not acted appropriately regarding this issue and has reached out to Gabriela. “I was wrong, and I don’t want to continue doing it. Gabriela deserves all my respect and certainly above us is a minor that has to grow in harmony, away from any controversy. It is a responsibility that I assume,” he assured through this unexpected statement.

This is, without a doubt, the twist that no one could see coming. Since the news of motherhood broke, the singer distanced himself from Guillen at all times. Not only did he speak out publicly ensuring that it had nothing to do with the baby, but he also cut off all possible contact with the mother of his child. It was now that Osborne wanted to give her place to Gabriela Guillen and recognize that she has not risen to the occasion.

As the journalist Sandra Aladro explained, It was ‘El Turronero’ who convinced the singer to take this step. Bertín’s trusted person, she has been by Gabriela Guillén’s side at all times since the child’s birth. He has managed not only to understand the little boy’s mother but also to make Osborne see reason about the steps he should take in the middle of this complex conflict.

The participation of Gabriela Guillén in Bertín Osborne’s statement

As for Gabriela Guillén, her participation in this statement is present in two ways. On the one hand, in the signature. On the other hand, in a strong request what they have both done. “Bertín Osborne and Gabriela Guillén also want to ask the media for respect in order to protect and preserve the image and identity of the minor,” was the request for which they did not mind adding their names.

With this statement, Bertín Osborne and Gabriela Guillén begin a new stage. Now, she will see how the singer takes care of the baby. Something that the businesswoman has always claimed, because she has always been very sure when she has talked about him being the father of her son. Not only has Guillén never wavered in her statements, but he has remained strong despite the harsh statements that the singer has made. Guillén demanded a paternity test but did not unilaterally accept the singer’s conditions.

Has Bertín Osborne had paternity tests done?

What is not talked about in the statement It’s from paternity tests. But it is known that Bertín Osborne has not undergone these tests and that is why he has taken the step of taking charge of the baby and thus assuming responsibility without the results. It was next week when the artist planned to go to the laboratory to undergo the analyzes but he considered it better not to do so.

At the end of last month the news broke that Bertín Osborne and Gabriela Guillén had reached an agreement to carry out these paternity tests. Until then, the singer had refused to perform them, something that the little boy’s mother had been demanding from the beginning. The agreement put an end to a war that seemed like it would never end. It was, seen now, the first step towards the arrival of this statement in which the singer recognizes the paternity of the child and gives the mother the place that, until now, she had been denied.

In addition, this step would also be a way to seek peace of mind. Since it was known that Gabriela was pregnant, the artist has appeared very tense on several occasions when asked for explanations. With this statement he would have found a way to settle the matter. It hasn’t been an easy road to get here. The singer’s reluctance has taken its toll on the child’s mother. Gabriela, taking refuge in her mother, has endured all kinds of attacks from the interpreter’s entourage.

Gabriela Guillén’s reaction after Bertín Osborne’s statement

Nobody could think, after reading the statement issued by Bertín Osborne, that Gabriela Guillén was going to appear surprised about it. At all times it seems that both have agreed with the singer’s words. In fact, it was what Guillén was looking for from the first moment Osborne refused to assume paternity of her son. Nothing has been like that. The businesswoman seemed surprised by the information and she assured the magazine ‘Semana’ that she had just found out from the aforementioned publication.

Guillén’s disconcerting reaction once again opens a gap in this new understanding. What has surprised you? The issuance of the statement? What was it just now? Or that Osborne has not consulted him about its content? Guillén did not want to go into more details although, yes, the statement appears signed by both parents. Presumably, the interpreter would not have specified to the mother of his son that the statement was going to be issued immediately. Osborne and Guillén already reached an agreement at the end of last month to carry out paternity tests. It seems that the relationship between the two is going through a moment of much calmer.

The other reactions to the statement from Bertín Osborne and Gabriela Guillén

Now we have to wait for the reactions. On the one hand, we will have to see What Gabriela Guillén says. after months claiming that Bertín Osborne recognize the baby and take financial care of him, now his wish has been granted. What there is also expectation about is Bertín Osborne’s daughters. Eugenia, Alejandra, Claudia Osborne and Ana Cristina Portillo, whom he considers like another daughter, they have always closed ranks with him. Will they have the same attitude after this statement?

And another of the reactions sought will be that of Fabiola Martínez. The singer’s ex-wife has always wanted to stay out of this issue, but now that Bertín Osborne has decided to take care of the child, she could take the step of speaking, especially considering that she has two children with the artist. The singer’s ex-wife has rebuilt her life after separating from her. Fabiola, in fact, has not hesitated to be firm when she has been asked about the singer’s life. The only thing she is interested in is the well-being of the children they have in common.

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