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Total bombshell: they reveal that Mega wants a renowned European actor to animate the Viña Festival

Since it was confirmed that Mega would be the channel in charge of organizing the Viña del Mar Festival, there has been much speculation regarding who will be the entertainers of the prestigious contest. So far, there seems to be a consensus on which female face of the channel will set foot on Quinta Vergara: Karen Doggenweiler.

The unknown for now is who will accompany the host of Mucho Gusto, and as noted in the Tevex program Emprendidos, the television house already has someone in mind. Surprisingly, the production will not give more thought to the matter by choosing between its figures so They will go look for someone outside the channel and even outside the country.

It was Eugenio Figueroa who began to provide clues to see if Daniel Valenzuela and Lucas Villalobos guessed. “Number one: he is not Chilean. Number two: It is not Latin American. He is European”, he added, leaving uncertainty.

“The name that is in Mega’s folder to become the host of the Viña 2025 Festival is an actor, he is not Chilean, he is European… he is Antonio Banderas!”, the journalist launched, ensuring that the information had been obtained from Karen Doggenweiler’s circle.

“This name had not sounded anywhere, but They mentioned it to me yesterday from the closest group in Karen”, the writer closed.

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