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Lucía Galán, from the duo Pimpinela, will undergo surgery for a premalignant cyst in the pancreas

The Argentine singer Lucía Galán, a member with her brother Joaquín of the musical duo Pimpinela, will undergo a operation to remove a part of your pancreas affected by a premalignant cystas reported this Wednesday by the artist through a video published on her Instagram profile.

“Last year in Madrid, while having a CT scan, they miraculously discovered a premalignant cyst in the pancreas. A follow-up was done and the conclusion reached is that I have to go to surgery,” Galán revealed.

“They have to cut ‘the tail of the pancreas’, which is where the cyst is attached to the wall, to prevent cancer“, described the singer, who acknowledged that the process will be “difficult.”

“I thank God that they detected it in time and I want to ask doctors to do these abdominal checks to prevent so many (cases of) pancreatic cancer“Galán said in his video.

It is not expected that Pimpinela, with a long artistic career of more than four decades and authors of great hits in Latin America and Spain such as ‘Olvídame y pega laturn’ or ‘Por esa hombre’, is going to remodel his tour around the state health of Lucía Galán.

The duo plans to perform on August 9 in Benidorm (southeast of Spain). By then, the Galán brothers hope to be “settled in Spain” and “doing the tour accordingly“.

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