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This is what Wanda Nara’s house looks like inside with details that showed her personality: “I don’t like them”

Written in SHOWS he 6/12/2024 · 5:49 p.m.

Although he always usually shows his daily life in each of the publications he makes on his social networks, on this occasion Wanda Nara He decided to go further and share images of the interior of his house.

Through her Instagram account, Nara decided to make a different post and exhibited some areas of her spacious house, which have an enviable organization and characteristic decoration.

First, the wife of Mauro Icardi He showed a living room, which has four mouse-shaped dolls on top of a piece of furniture and a few meters away a set of light gray armchairs, some coffee tables and a television.

In addition, the room also has gray and white curtains to cover the gigantic windows that your house has, which also has a wall that is similar to bricks of the same tone.

Then, in another image, the brunette showed another living room where you can see that it also has a large armchair, some chairs and a rug, all in various shades of gray. In addition, it has a wooden floor and a white lamp.

In the image you can also see colossal windows with gray curtains and black tables, which are prepared to support personal objects at meetings with friends and family.

Along with the images, the influencer wanted to explain her preferences: “I don’t like colors, I always need my things to have neutral colors and the decoration to be as net as possible”.

In addition, the footballer’s wife referred to how she prefers to live day to day, and commented: “I am very orderly, clean, organized and maniacal, almost that everything is in its place.”.

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