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They reveal the significant amount in dollars that Marcos Ginocchio charged for attending the premiere of a children’s film

It is so that since THE M (América TV), after showing the chronicler’s unsuccessful run in an attempt to talk to him and where it could be heard that the producer of the modeling agency to which he belongs frames he stopped it, claiming that “they hired him”, Yanina Latorre revealed how the talent agency business works with film distributors.

“For me, he likes to be on everyone’s lips with this thing about Julieta Poggio and China. For me, we are a very generous country.”Spicy, slipped Marixa Balli. But Yanina He said he was there because they actually paid him a “fortune” for attending the event. “Three million will pay you”he assured.

And he went on to explain: “Two, three million they pay you, minimum. On top of that, it’s a mega production.”. At the same time Santiago Sposato added from the spot: “What I was telling them is that there was no individual payment from the film’s production company to him. The production company, as I told you at the beginning, hired Cami Holmes, Emilia Attías, Luli Fernández, Marcos and Benjamín Vicuña”.

So things are, Tower He detailed that “They give that entire package to the agency and the agency distributes it according to the trajectory and importance of each talent”. “And they asked me and it’s true: why would Marcos be there since he doesn’t have children?”the interim driver asked herself because Ángel de Brito is on vacation.

“Because it is a slightly more childish profile”then intervened Faith Bongiornowhile his partner Pepe Ochoa added that “Nowadays on television he is the most popular person for events”and “with Juli Poggio” They are the favorites of the little ones.

Marcos Ginocchio returns to Big Brother: how and when it will be

Angel de Brito revealed a couple of weeks ago in THE M (América TV) that the winner of the last edition of Big Brother, Marcos Ginocchiowill enter reality.

“His fans have been asking for it since he left the house”he began by saying De Brito. “Marcos Ginocchio received the proposal from Telefe, through his representatives, he had already received the proposal to be in the Debate and said no, that he did not want to know anything. Now they offered him to enter the final of the house”said the presenter.

“What did he say?”he asked Yanina Latorre. “Yes. Marcos would enter the last days or the last day, I still don’t know how the final will be, but Santiago (del Moro) already said that it is three, not four, and the fourth is going to be Marcos who will to enter to accompany the three finalists in the last hours inside the house”detail Angel.

“Up to this point everything is settled, they agreed on the money, a significant sum in dollars. So if the balls pay for that, Marcos enters. If that is not there, Marcos stays at home.”he remarked.

Immediately, Pepe Ochoa He added one more piece of information. “There is a previous move that they want to put together so that Juli (Poggio) and Nacho (Castañares) enter together”he reported.

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