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The inspiring reason why Prince Harry will not return to his family

06/13/2024 at 19:09


The British Royal House is going through one of its most complicated moments due to illnesses king charles and Kate Middleton. During this time, some of the less regular members of the crown have increased their participation in public events. In this context, the name of the prince harry has once again been present in the media.

He prince harry and Meghan Markle They moved their lives to the United States, away from the British royal family. Although many have speculated about his return, considering the situation, ‘The Sun’ has exposed a theory that would rule it out. Jennie Bonda former BBC correspondent, has covered Windsor news for many years.

The British family affairs expert has assured that Prince Harry will never again be a member of the Royal House. According to the specialist, the monarch has found in Meghan Markle and her children “the freedom he longed for, the wife he loves and the children he adores”.

In addition, he added that now, Prince Harry has “the model of domestic happiness that he did not have in his own adolescence”. In fact, Bond wanted to dedicate a few words to him, because he has followed his career. “After having seen him grow up and getting to know him a little, he was a wonderful child and a charming and jovial teenager”.

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