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Why Sofía Clerici ran away with a washed face and very distressed: the VIDEO

Sofia Clerici reappeared after sharing several mysterious images on their networks with Martín Insaurralde. The model was surprised after a session at the hairdresser and did not react in the best way.

READ MORE: Jesica Cirio’s uncomfortable reaction after Sofía Clerici’s posts with Martín Insaurralde

Enough guys, stop it, please”Clerici repeated over and over again, who did his best to cover his face with a cap. However, Sofía was exposed and ran away.

Sofía did not react in the best way when she saw the cameras (Video: América TV).


The Afternoon cameras captured Clerici’s anguish, who quickly got into his luxury car. It should be remembered that the model was found with 600 thousand dollars in her house, money that she would have to justify in some way.

Months after the “Yategate” scandal, Sofía Clerici once again shared photos of an intimate situation with Martín Insaurralde, although she later decided to delete them. But Mediodía Noticias managed to capture them and shared them on the air, generating a feeling of stupor throughout the team.

“The route of love”, was the legend chosen by Clerici to accompany the photo in which she is seen in Insaurralde’s car. He then shared another image and wrote a suggestive “How they pamper me.”

Some of the photos that Clerici published (Photos: Instagram).

Seven months ago, a video showing Martín Insaurralde was leaked and Sofía Clerici strolling through Europe on an exclusive yacht whose rental value exceeds 11,700 euros per day. This unleashed a scandal and widespread indignation when it was assumed that public funds were used to pay for it in the middle of the electoral campaign that ended with the Elections that ended with the victory of Javier Milei.

READ MORE: Unexpected discovery about Sofía Clerici’s luxurious handbags kidnapped by Yategate

In the midst of the scandal that was called “Yategate”, Clerici broke the silence with a defense that generated more doubts than certainties since She assured that she bought the expensive purses and watches alone, although at the time she revealed that they were gifts she received..

The Federal Court of Criminal Cassation confirmed a few days ago the general inhibition of assets ordered against the former mayor of Lomas de Zamora and former Buenos Aires official Martín Insaurralde, his ex-wife and television host Jesica Cirio and the model Sofía Clerici.

The case investigates alleged acts of illicit enrichment of a public official and money laundering, which are attributed, among others, to the former mayor of Lomas de Zamora.

READ MORE: Jesica Cirio spoke about Martín Insaurralde and Sofía Clerici after a long silence

The unanimous decision of the country’s highest criminal court highlighted that the provisions established by the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and the Public Ethics Law (law 25,188) must be applied in the case.

In the same direction, it was pointed out that the recommendations and protocols proposed by international organizations against money laundering, of which Argentina is a part, must also be applied, such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Financial Action Task Force of Latin America (GAFILAT).

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