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Yolanda Andrade and the relapse in her health problems that sparks concern

It was in April 2023 when Yolanda Andrade was between life and death. Since then her life has not been the same. However, this week, journalist Pepillo Origel raised more alarms by ensuring that the driver can no longer speak and that her health has worsened.

It all started when one night Andrade started to feel bad. In addition to headaches that prevented her from sleeping, she began to vomit blood. Seeing that she was not getting better, she talked to her sister to take her to the emergency room. That was the moment her life changed.

After several months of studies, Andrade revealed that they detected a brain aneurysm combined with a strong sensitivity to light, which is why he has to wear a patch over his left eye to avoid further injury and that the lights of the forum where he records the program ” Montse & Joe”, do not bother you when doing your job.

Despite the discomfort and pain that Yolanda feels at times, the 52-year-old host has not stopped working or serving her fans and press every time they see her on the street.

In fact, when she arrives at the XEW building (where the program is recorded), along with her best friend Montserrat Oliver, she stops to talk to the reporters who ask her about her health.

“Everyone is going to die. We can all go through that episode, but we can also go through moments of miracle because miracles exist. I am here as a miracle and I love you very much,” she said in May 2023, looking tired and sad. .

A few weeks after these words, Andrade shared both in the media and on social networks that “I have not felt well. I had the eye episode again. Pain woke me up and I had to put the patch back on because of the light,” she narrated.

Despite her relapses and downturns, Yolanda continues working and showing her great humor and ability to make jokes, because as she has communicated on her social networks, she is grateful every day for being alive and does not lose hope that everything will turn out well. .

In fact, on her social networks she constantly shares images of the Virgin of Guadalupe with hopeful messages. She also asks for the health of the sick and for all those families who are going through something to get ahead.

This has been Andrade’s life in these last 12 months. However, this week Juan José Origel assured that Yolanda’s health worries him because she can no longer speak well.

Yolanda Andrade and Montserrat Oliver, who has not left her friend’s side at any time. (Photo by Adrián Monroy/Medios y Media/Getty Images)

At the end of May, Monserrat, who has become Yolanda’s link with the public, commented that her ex-partner and great friend had had some new health problems, which is why she did not attend the recording of one of the programs.

“She was a little hoarse, so she was barely able to record… today she doesn’t feel very well and that’s why she won’t be able to come,” Oliver revealed.

During the broadcast of the program in which Ivonne Montero and actor Miguel Rodarte Andrade participated, she said she felt frustrated for not being able to speak well and they even gave her a whiteboard in case she wanted to use it to communicate.

A few days later, exactly on June 11, Origel said he was worried about the driver’s health. “I was on the program with her three weeks ago and I saw her very well. I don’t know what happened, but they told me that in the last program she no longer spoke, so if I see that she is no longer speaking and is like this, it means that It’s worse,” he revealed.

And in reference to the comments that Andrade’s illness is due to witchcraft work, she said: “Poor thing, it makes me very sad. They say it’s witchcraft, I don’t believe in that, but if they say, well, how powerful the witch is.” “I want to know who the witch is.”

So far, Yolanda has offered no updates. But as she has said in the past, she asks for respect and patience, because although she knows that she suffered a brain aneurysm, there are other complications that neither her nor her doctors have been able to resolve.

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